GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: Shoulder Mobilization 2 Rounds 20 alternating dumbbell snatch 20 calorie bike or ski 20 air squats MetCon: Welded: 15-12-9 power snatch (95#/65#) overhead squat 2 minute rest 12-9-6 power snatch (115#/75#) overhead squat 2 minute rest 9-6-3 power snatch (135#/95#) overhead squat scaled: power clean, front squat *18 minute time cap...Read More
GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: Shoulder Mobilization 2 Rounds 10 single arm kettle bell press 5 pull ups/10 ring rows 15 kettle bell swings Skill WOD: 12 minute EMOM odd: hand stand push ups/variations (4-8 reps) even: pull ups (5-10 reps) adv.: 3 bar muscle ups MetCon: Welded: 9-15-21 power snatch (95#/65#) lateral burpees adv.:...Read More
GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: front rack mobilization 2 Rounds 20 banded good mornings 10 push ups 10 single arm dumbbell push press Strength: Clean and Jerk (every 1:30) 6×2 (drop and reset) adv.: squat clean and jerk MetCon: Welded: 2 Rounds 10-20-30 dumbbell snatch (50#/35#) 90-60-30 double under *2 minute rest in between rounds scaled:...Read More
GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: Trainer Choice MetCon: Welded (Tier Testing): Tier 4 500 meter row (under 2:00/2:20) 75% body weight back squat 1 toe to bar *if time permits, one make up is allowed Tier 3 2K row (under 7:30/8:15) 125% body weight back squat 10 unbroken toes to bar *no make ups/advancing Welded...Read More
GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 3 Rounds 15/12 calorie machine 10 PVC front squats Strength: Front Squats (every 1:45) 5×3 (rising) start at 70% adv.: work up to a 3 rep max during sets MetCon: Welded: 20 minute EMOM odd: 5 hang cleans (115#/75#) + 30 second plank even: 10 box jumps (24#/20#) adv: 165#/115#,...Read More