
Nutrition Blog
By: Tammy Hamilton Almost every time I meet with a nutrition client, their number one complaint is that they don’t know what to eat and/or how much to eat. And that they simply need a meal plan to be able to achieve their goals. While a meal plan can give the exact amounts of each...
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By: Tammy Hamilton If you know you are eating right and exercising enough but you are still struggling to lose weight you might want to take a look at other factors that often get overlooked. How is your stress level? How are you sleeping? How much water are you drinking? You wouldn’t think these would...
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By: Arthur Anderson Mother Nature has an interesting way of linking us all together.  No, I’m not talking about you and me, I’m talking about man, animals, plants, insects and bacteria. Humans rely on bacteria in so many different ways.  We’ve talked about the gut biome, but did you know that bacteria are responsible for...
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By: Joaquin Ramirez We have all heard the term “superfood” before, but what exactly is a superfood and why is it so good for us? A superfood is a particular food that has an abundant amount of nutrients that range from vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, phytochemicals and fiber. Missing out on these superfoods can’t hurt your...
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By: Arthur Anderson Sous-vide (/suːˈviːd/; French for “under vacuum”) is a method of cooking in which food is vacuum-sealed in a plastic pouch and then placed in a water bath or steam environment. I was given a Sous-Vide cooker for Christmas last year. I opened the package with the thank you smile of ‘what-the-hell-is-this.’ The person who bought...
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By: Tammy Hamilton Do you find it harder to stick to your Nutrition Plan during summer months as opposed to winter months? You are not alone! With the warmer weather comes more outdoor activities, weddings, vacations, gatherings with friends & family and events going on around town. Which usually means alcohol and food, that are...
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By: Tammy Hamilton Have you heard the term that losing weight is all about “calorie in, calorie out”? Or that if you are overweight it’s because you eat too much or you exercise too little (or both)? And that it’s a simple math calculation as to why you aren’t getting the results you want? That...
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By: Tammy Hamilton Nutrition is hard! Plain and simple. It can be overwhelming and you may think you don’t have the resources or will-power to make changes in your nutrition but it can actually be a lot easier to make changes than you think! Check out my top nutrition tips to see how these changes can...
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By: Tammy Hamilton ‘Tis the season for holiday festivities! Buttered turkey, glazed ham, mashed potatoes and gravy, delicious appetizers, eggnog, holiday cookies, fudge, apple pie! It’s easy to see why the average person gains about a pound over the holidays. You don’t have to be part of that statistic! Here are 6 tips to help you...
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Trust us. We understand busy schedules. In fact, many of the members we have here at Double Edge Fitness initially joined because they needed a more efficient workout that didn’t require them to be in the gym for hours at a time. That’s why we’ve put together this list of ways you can make your...
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