GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 5 Min AMRAP 6 pushups, 15 hollow rocks, 12 air squats Finish with 15 PVC PT Skills: Toes to bar, Double Unders, Pistols, OHS 16 Minutes Metcon: Welded 20 Min AMRAP 5 Power Cleans 145/100 10 T2B 15 Wall Balls 20/14 Open 11.5 Welded Lean...Read More
A majority of us have little to no idea what the psoas is or what it actually does. Truth is, that it is the most important skeletal muscle in the human body, and its tightness could be the cause for the lower back pain you may be feeling during a workout or even something you...Read More
GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 20/15 cal machine 2 Rounds: 10 jump squats, 15 PVC PT, 10 pushups Finish with:1 min Goblet squat hold, 20 leg swings each side Strength: 12 Minutes Squat Snatch Work Lean: EMOM 2 Hang Power Snatches+10 Lunges Metcon: Welded 4 Rounds 18/14 Cal Machine 12 Front Squats...Read More
By: Derek Wellock So here is the good news. We are not getting rid of chalk. We are only going to be getting rid of powder chalk. We are going to start using liquid chalk. This revolutionary product is going to be life changing for the members, for the staff and for a cleaner gym....Read More
Who: All Double Edge members and guests! We encourage our member’s to bring their family and friends to show how great of a community we have! What: The second annual Double Edge Christmas party! There will be food from Men Wielding Fire, beer from the Brewers Cabinet, holiday punch and a bounce house for the kids! You...Read More
By Alvie Hafen The world can be a dark and dreary place. Everyday in the media we see the worst of human society. There are crimes of hate, school shootings, and acts of terror. Why? Why do humans do these terrible things to each other? Even in schools kids tease and bully each other...Read More
After raising money, going shopping and wrapping over a 100 presents the time finally came in which we were able to meet our Metcon for Hope families. With 8 families it took a combined effort of over 20 people including DE staff, volunteers and social workers to deliver a hot meal made by Men...Read More
Construction is continuing to go without a hitch (knock on wood!) at the future location of Double Edge South. Here are the most recent updates and what else is planned for the month of December: Completed Construction – The HVAC system is complete and fully operational to keep you cool in the summer and warm...Read More
GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 3 lap run 1 min plank, 25 air squats, 20 situps, 10 pushups Finish with 15 PVC PT, GM, 20 leg swings each, 20 scorpions Skills: Tire flips, Hand Stand Pushups, OHS, Toes to Bar 16 minutes Metcon: Welded 3 Rounds 10 Pullups 10 Thrusters 75/55...Read More
By Derek Wellock This past weekend I was watching the news and they had a fitness segment about how you can change your health and body with this easy to follow program. As it is my job, I tuned in and watched…. Immediately after I was pissed off. It started with the ever so famous...Read More