
Really though, it is mentally integrated from a very young age that being healthy is a good thing. I don’t think anyone would disagree with that, but why? This seems like a dumb question, but when we break it down, it may not be as dumb as we think.  I own two gyms with my...
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The time has come that everyone has been waiting for (more specifically the entire DE staff), its time to ice Derek!   We were able to raise over $100 dollars during the time that Derek was away on vacation and now its time for Derek to take a nice Ice Cold bath!  The icing will...
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Beckie’s Welded Story – Finding my “Get Skinny” Moment My Welded experience started about 1 ½ years ago. I have always struggled with my weight, and after I had kids it was even harder to lose. I tried all kinds of workout regimens to get in shape, but unfortunately nothing was working and my motivation was dwindling....
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT   Warm Up: 2 min machine, 20 airsquats, 10 burpees, 2 laps   Strength: 6×4 Back Squat @75% (Every 2 Minutes)   Metcon: Dynamic 5 RFT: 200 Meter Run 10 Wall Balls 20/14 10 Pull Ups 18 Min Time Cap Foundational 4 RFT: 200 Meter Run 10 Wall Ball Thrusters 10 Ringrows...
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The benchmarks continue!!  If you are part of the Lurong Challenge (and even if you are not) we will now be completing one benchmark workout per week.   These benchmark workouts will always take place on every Wednesday for the next 4 weeks.  Please due your best to try and be present on Wednesdays if...
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What is better than coming to Double Edge and getting a good WOD in?   Coming to Double Edge dressed up in your favorite Halloween costume and getting a WOD in!   Tomorrow is the day to dust off the old costume you wore last year at your friends Halloween party and bring it to...
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GROUP CLAS S WORKOUT   Warm Up: 2 min machine 3 lap run, 20 airsquats, 15 pvc pass throughs, 10 burpees   Strength: Find 1RM Power Clean (12 Minutes) Foundational – 18 Power Cleans (Total)   Metcon: Dynamic 17 Minute AMRAP Partner Workout Alternating 3 Power Cleans @135/95 2 Front Squats @135/95 1 S2OH @135/95...
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As we all know (or at least i hope we all know) the holiday season isn’t all about presents and lights, its about giving selflessly and openly not in the hopes to be recognized but to be part of the spirit.  We find ourselves investing more into our friends, family and even complete strangers during...
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Its 365 days later since we opened our doors to the public and we want to celebrate by passing down savings to the people who made Double Edge possible, YOU!  For the next 24 hours we will be having a 1 year anniversary sale that will include ALL of our Reebok gear including the Nano’s!...
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Most of you may already know, but for those who haven’t heard Perkville is up and running!  What is Perkville you say?  It is a online software that automatically awards perks to the members of Double Edge.  What can you do to earn perks?   It’s as simple as checking in to class, spreading the...
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