
By: Sharae Townsend We are brainwashed from seeing in the media everywhere that eating less while dieting makes you skinny. This is a myth. The reason people have such a hard time sticking to their “diets” is because they are not eating enough. You are not getting the proper nutrients needed when you don’t eat...
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Group Class Workout   Warm Up: 3 Minute Machine 20 air squats, 20 scorpions, 20 leg swings, 15 PVC PT, GM PVC Progression for Overhead Movements   Strength: 5 Sets of: Push Press + Push Jerk + Split Jerk Lean: 5×3 Push Press Every 1:30   Metcon:   Crossfit Lean   Chipper 1500m Row 50 Walking...
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By: Trent Soares Being active is a vital part of a healthy lifestyle. As we know, America is not getting the daily recommended physical activity needed. It has also been proven that the inactivity starts at a young age. Becoming a father this past year has opened my eyes to responsibility. My view on fitness...
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By: Karen Lilleyman As we all learn in school, the human body is roughly two thirds water and we could not live more than a few days without consuming it. It is clearly a vital part of our workout (and post workout) strategy, but how much should we really be drinking? It seems many of the articles...
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Give and Take By: Sabrina Blajos During my whole #Brinachallenge I have definitely learned a lot of things but the most important one has been the “give and take”. What I mean by this is making sure to understand when it’s okay to give in to temptations and when it’s not okay to take away...
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Armistice of WW1: 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month 1918. Group Class Workout   Warm Up:  Trainer Choice   Accessory Work: 14 minutes 5×10 lunges (HEAVY) 100 banded leg curls     MetCon: Welded & Welded Lean: 11 Rounds   11 wall balls (20#/14#) 11 calorie machine (alternating) 11 KB swings...
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By: Savina Brown With the holiday season in full force it is easy to get caught up in the chaos and craze that accompanies this time of year. Whether we are overbooked with parties, overwhelmed with present buying, or overeating because of all the delicious treats and get-togethers, it is important to take a step...
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