Eating Less doesn’t make you Skinny, Just Hungry

By: Sharae Townsend

We are brainwashed from seeing in the media everywhere that eating less while dieting makes you skinny. This is a myth. The reason people have such a hard time sticking to their “diets” is because they are not eating enough. You are not getting the proper nutrients needed when you don’t eat enough. By the end of the day after starving yourself you are eating a bag of chips or a box of cookies to feed your cravings. Everyday your body needs greens, protein, carbohydrates, good fat and lots of water. You would be surprised on the amount of food your body needs in one meal especially for a Weldedter. You need to fill your body with good energy and fuel to not allow yourself to crave the bad food. A good way to roughly estimate the amount of protein your body needs on a daily basis is 1 gram of protein per pound of lean body weight. If you divide that into three or four meals a day you are already on a great track to success.

Eating clean should be a lifestyle so take it slow at the beginning. Maybe just start out by switching out sugary drinks to just water for a week. Maybe start by trying to eat more protein. Maybe start by eating clean 3 days a week then 4 days a week then 5 and slowly take out the bad food and soon it will be a habit, not a diet. Nothing is a quick fix. A quick fix easily becomes a quick fail! 30 years of eating terrible is not fixed in a few weeks just like eating one bad meal won’t kill you. Enjoy your health and enjoy your life you only have one body.

By eating clean and eating the proper amount of clean food and staying hydrated you will get the nutrients your body needs; you crave less and last longer eating clean. Eventually you don’t even want the unhealthy food that you are used to craving all week long. Once you start seeing results that becomes your daily motivation. Educate yourself on clean eating and you will be mind blown!


Group Class Workout


Warm Up: 4 Rounds 40/20 on Machine. Go Hard! Warm up.

1 Round: 20 Goblet Squats (Heavy), 15 Pushups

Finish with: 1 Min Hip Capsule each Side, 15 PVC PT, GM
Strength: Back Squat 2×3 @80%, 2×2@85%,

1×1@90%, 1×8 @70% Every 2 minutes

OR Back Squat 6×5 (Choose Weight)  Lean: No Strength






Every 5 Minutes for 3 Rds:

15/12 Cal Bike

20 Wall Balls 20/14

15 KB Swings 53/35

10 Push Ups


Adv: 20/15 Cal Bike

Welded Lean

30 Min AMRAP

50 Walking Lunges

50 Ab Mat Situps

50/40 Cal machine

50 DB Push Press 25/15

50 Double Unders/100 Single

Adv: 50 OH Plate Lunges 45/25