
Do you have to be mentally tough to be able to do Welded?  If you constantly practice Welded do you believe it can make you mentally stronger?  If you have been doing Welded for longer than a month then you probably know the answer to both of those questions, Welded is hard!  We all can...
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BS Mechanical Engineering 1986 University of Washington MBA University of Phoenix Arthur’s experience started in the high tech industry where he worked for many years before taking over the family business. He ran his family business for over 18 years and recently sold it to move on to a new chapter in his life. Arthur...
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Welded’s definition is “Constantly varied, functional movements executed at high intensity”.  So what does that really mean?  Well life is constantly changing around us, we never see the same day twice and each day gives us a new set of challenges and demands that we are forced to adapt too.   Welded’s belief is that...
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT   Warm Up: 3 lap run 20 med ball slams, 10 stretch lunges, 15 PVC GM, 20 med ball slams   Strength: 4 Rounds 10 BB Lunges Total 10 DB Strict Press 20 Band Pulls Finish with 40 Heavy KB High Pulls (Fast)   Welded 4 Rounds 3 Minute AMRAP/1 Min Break...
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT   Warm Up: 20 scorpions, 15 ait squats, 10 burpees 15 PVC GM, 5 inchworms, 15 air squats, 15 plank to pushup, 20 scorpions   Strength: Clean Complex 7 Sets-Every 1:20 2 DL+1 PC   Metcon: Welded 3 Rounds 10 Pullups 5 SQUAT Cleans 135/95 3 Rounds 15 Pushups 4 Hang Power...
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT   Warm Up: 3 lap run, 10 stretch lunges, 20 scorpoins, 25 medball slams, 10 stretch lunges, 20 air squats   Strength: 10 Minute EMOM 1 Front Squat @85%     Metcon: Welded & Welded Lean 4 Rounds 200 Meter Sprint 10 KB Swings 53/35 10 KB Lunges 53/35 10 Burpees Then:...
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT   Warm Up: 3 lap run, 75 DU (150 singles) 20 air squats, 15 pushups, 10 burpees   Strength: 25 Weighted Lunges Each Leg (KBs, DBs) 50 DB Bench Press 100 Banded Tricep Extensions     Metcon: Welded Partner WOD 21 MIn AMRAP Partner A. 200m Run Partner B. 10 S2OH 95/65...
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT   Warm Up: Trainer Choice   Strength: 10 Sets Every 1:15 1 Front Squat @85% + 8 Heavy  KB High Pulls Lean: 6 Total Front Rack Lunges   Metcon: Welded and Welded Lean 14 Minute AMRAP Buy In: 60/50 Cal Row 10 T2B 10 Burpees 5 DL @225/155   Challenge: Ski instead...
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We are only a week away from our member’s appreciation night at the Reno Ace’s ballpark and it is looking to be a night of food, fun, prizes and a few surprises!  If you haven’t signed up yet please make sure to sign up today as we need to give a final head count to...
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT   Warm Up:   3 Rounds 15 Med ball slams, 15 situps, 10 pushups 10 stretch lunges, 20 PVC PT, 20 leg swings each   Skill Day: Rope Climbs, Toes To Bar, OH Squats 16 minutes Adv: Muscle Up Work Practice   Metcon:   Welded 5 Rounds 5 Power Snatches 95/65 10...
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