By Derek Wellock This past weekend I was watching the news and they had a fitness segment about how you can change your health and body with this easy to follow program. As it is my job, I tuned in and watched…. Immediately after I was pissed off. It started with the ever so famous...Read More
The first Thursday of the month is right around the corner which can only mean one thing here at Double Edge, Broga and Brews! Every 1st Thursday of each month we like to invite the Yogi masters and the beer enthusiasts to unite on this special night sponsered by our friends over at Silver...Read More
GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: Trainer Choice Strength: 6 Rounds: 5 Strict Pullups, 10 Pushups, 15 KB Deadlifts Deficit (Heavy) Adv: Ring Dips 15 Min Time Cap Metcon: Welded Partner Chipper for Time: 50/40 Cal Ski 40 Hand Release Pushups 30 DB Snatches Alt. 65/40 20 Squat Cleans 155/105 10 Rope Climbs/...Read More
By: Savina Brown We have all heard, “Nothing is perfect,” often using it as a mantra for others or ourselves. But do we really buy into it? Do we truly and wholly believe nothing is perfect? We have set ideals of who we “should” be as parents, children, partners, students, co-workers, yoga...Read More
This Saturday from 9 to 11am we will be hosting Sierra Belle Boutique for a 2 hour trunk show. Sierra Belle specializes in women’s clothing and accessory’s with a modern bohemian twist. They will have a select amount of clothing, shoes and accessory’s this Saturday for your viewing and purchasing pleasure. If you would like to...Read More
Only 19 days left until the Grand Opening of DECF South! Todays challenge is 19 unbroken pull ups, scaled athletes can use a green band. Good luck! GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 3 Rds: 15/12 Cal, 10 Pushups, :25 sec Hollow Body Finish with: 1 Min Banded OH Distraction, 15 GM, PT Challenge:...Read More
GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 35/28 Cals Go Hard Get Warm! 2 Rds: 15 Goblet Squats (Heavier),10 Pushups, 5 Burpees Finish with: 1 min Goblet Squat Hold Heavy, 15 PVC PT, GM Strength: Find 1 Rep Max Front Squat 15 Minutes Lean and New Clients: 5×5 Front Squat Every 90 seconds Metcon:...Read More
By: Leo Fontana Many of us find ourselves always feeling tight and not understanding why you can’t get into certain range of motions that others can. How come my friend can overhead squat the barbell no problem but I can’t even hold the PVC pipe in the right position? We don’t realize that many times,...Read More