Chalk…. The Demise Of A Clean Gym

By: Derek Wellock

So here is the good news.  We are not getting rid of chalk.  We are only going to be getting rid of powder chalk.  We are going to start using liquid chalk.  This revolutionary product is going to be life changing for the members, for the staff and for a cleaner gym.

Chalk is the number one thing that makes the gym dirty and it is extremely time consuming to clean every week.  It gets in the bars and limits the bar spin, it gets in the rowers and bikes and creates resistance and wears down on parts.  It gets in every single corner of the gym, you breathe it when you do burpees, it gets in the HVAC system requiring more maintenance to keep from recirculating through the gym.  It takes countless staff hours to keep the gym clean from this substance.

This coming week we will have liquid chalk showing up.  Joel and myself have been beta testing it all last week and we were very happy.  Chalk up once and your good the whole WOD.  We did 50 Rounds of 5 kettlebell push press, 5 KB lunges and only had to chalk up once for it.  The new chalk washes off with water, so after your wod, it is a quick clean up.

You will get faster times in your WOD’s.  You will no longer be able to hover over the chalk bucket to get your lungs back.  So PR’s are on the way.

Happier staff, because the powder chalk isn’t getting into everything.

Happier members, because the gym is going to be very clean.

Here is a video of way we are going to liquid chalk.





Warm Up:  

Trainer Choice



7×2 Power Clean and Jerk Every 1:20
Lean: 7×2 Power Clean and Push Press



Welded & Welded Lean


Deadlift 135/95
Air Squats


Mobility Of the Day: Shin Smash (pg. 371)

Improves: Straight Foot Position, Shin Splints, Knee Pain




8 to 9am




6pm til ??????