
Double Edge Fitness is now an official endorser of HYLETE performance apparel and has become “powered by #HYLETE“. As such, you are now eligible for a “powered by HYLETE” Athlete account which will provide you 20% off retail pricing and an additional 50% off your first HYLETE order. To take advantage of this discount simply create an account and...
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT   Warm Up: 2 Rounds 20 Med ball slams, 15 air squats, 10 pushups, 2 lap run   Strength: 8 Rounds  (Every 75 seconds) Dynamic: 2 Heavy Squat Cleans (Not touch and go) Foundational: 8×2 Power Clean   Metcon: Dynamic For Time: 18 Min Time Cap 50 Double Unders 18 DL@185/135 18...
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT   Warm Up: 3 lap run 2 Rounds 16 lunges, 10 jump squats, 7 burpees   Strength: 7×2 Front Squat @80% (Every 1:15)   Metcon: Dynamic 15 Min AMRAP 30 Double Unders 15 Wall balls 20/14 5 C2B Pullups/Pullups Start with pushups *Every 3 minutes must complete 10 Pushups Advanced: 15 Pushups...
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With Christmas just 24 hours away we want to remind everyone that we will be closing early today at 1pm and will remained closed through the 26th.  We want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and hope that you take the time to enjoy every moment with your closest family and friends during the...
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Alvie is my morning barista–serving up solid, fun, and definitely challenging workouts at the way-to-early hour of 5 am. I am very thankful that he is able and willing to show up each and every morning to teach this class. If there was no 5 am class, I would almost never get a workout. He has never been...
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT   Warm Up: 45 sec plank 2 Rounds 10 light DB press, 15 PVC PT, 5 inchworms 45 sec plank   Strength: 6×3 Bench Press (Start @70% and increase in weight) Every 90 seconds   Metcon: Dynamic 40-30-20 Wall balls 20/14 KB Swings 53/35 Ab Mat Situps Every 2 Minutes 4 Burpees...
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT   Warm Up: Trainer Choice   Strength: 12×1 Back Squat @85% (Every 50 seconds) Metcon: Dynamic 4 Rounds 3 Min AMRAP 5 Front Squats 135/95 7 Toes to Bar 9 Push ups Rest 1 min   Foundational 4 Rounds 3 Min AMRAP 5 Goblet Squats 7 K2E/V-Ups 9 Push ups Rest 1...
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Hi guys, my name is Cassie Wellock. As many of you probably know, I am Derek’s wife at Double Edge, and we are currently expecting. At 15 weeks currently, this is my first time being pregnant. So between Derek and I, we decided to share our experience, to hopefully give insight to other women on...
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT   Warm Up: 6 Min AMRAP 7 KB swings, 9 KB high pulls, 11 air squats Finish with 20 PVC PT   Strength: 14 Power Cleans @75-85% (Heavy) Every 45 seconds Lean: 3 Cleans Moderate weight   Metcon: Welded/Welded Lean Test Day For Time: 2000m Row or 1 Mile Run   Recovery...
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT   Warm Up: Trainer Choice   Strength: 6×3 Back Squat-Increase in weight (Every 1:30)   Metcon: Welded & Welded Lean 7 Min AMRAP 25 DU 10 Kb Swings 53/35 10 Pushups 3 Min Rest 7 Min AMRAP 10 Jump Switch Lunges 10 Goblet Squats 53/35 10 V-Ups   Mobility: Pre – Olympic...
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