When Welded was developed back in 2000 it was meant to be a program to help develop and enhance any one persons ability to perform a given task. Welded’s constant variability in programming and training is what helps the average person develop broad strength and conditioning that are usually lacking in more specialized fitness programs. It...Read More
GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 20 Medball slams, 20 hollow rocks, 20 scorpions 3 lap run, 20 PVC PT, 20 air squats Strength: 20 Strict Pull Ups Over Hand/ 20 Under Hand 5×10 Seated (Ground) DB Press 5×10 Push Ups(15 Minute Time Cap) Metcon: Dynamic 20 Min Partner WOD Partner A. 200...Read More
GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 3 lap run, 20 PVC PT 7 rounds 35/15 Double Under Practice Skills: Rope Climbs, Wall Walks/HPSU, MU/C2B/Pullup 18 Minutes Metcon: Welded & Welded Lean 9 Rounds 30/20 on machine for cals 2 min break 9 Rounds 30/20 on machine for cals Mobility: Pre – Banded...Read More
GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 200m run 3 Rounds 12 pushups, 15 air squats, 15 PVC PT Strength: 30 Reverse Grip Pull Ups Super Set: 4×10 DB Strict Press 4×8 Strict Toes to Bar or 14 V-Ups Metcon: Welded Partners Barbell Madness 60 DL @95/65 50 Thrusters @95/65 40 Hang Cleans...Read More
GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: Trainer Choice Strength: Push Press 5×4 Increase in weight Every 1:30 Metcon: Welded & Welded Lean 3 Rounds 500m Row 400m Run 50 DU 25 Min Time Cap Advanced: 4 Rounds Mobility Of the Day: Suprapatella Smash and Floss (pg. 327) Improves: Knee Pain/Knee...Read More
By Jacob Wellock There is no secret that everyone goes through a daily stress, whether it is your job, kids, social environment, whatever it may be the majority of people are under some kind of stress. A great way to reduce that stress is to go to the gym. How can you utilize that work...Read More