GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: Trainer Choice Strength: 7×2 Back Squat @80% (Every Minute) Metcon Dynamic 3 RFT: 30 Cals Alt 18 DB Snatches Alt @60/35 40 Bicycles per leg Foundational 3 RFT: 25 Cals Alt. 18 DB Snatches Alt. 40 Bicycles per leg Mobility: Pre – Light foam...Read More
The Christmas season is in full swing with shopping, decorations and even a little bit of snow! To celebrate the holiday spirit Double Edge will be having our very own Christmas party on 12/18 at 6:30pm for all of our members and their families! As most things that happen in the gym there will be...Read More
Nine months ago I emailed Double Edge Fitness, my body was hurting and I was frustrated where I was at and I wanted to see what Double Edge was all about. I didn’t think that they would get back to me, but within an hour I got a response from someone named Kyle. He said that...Read More
Looking to see how you can make some extra gains?! You don’t have to look any farther than what we have for you today! As we explained last week, we have introduced a new class schedule that includes a 7am skills class for tomorrow and a 8am endurance class! Both of these classes will insure...Read More
The Welded Open starts this Thursday and if you haven’t signed up don’t miss your chance in being part of the worlds largest online competition by visiting As most of you have probably heard we will be hosting the Open on Friday nights at 6pm and Saturday at 10am. If you are unable to...Read More
GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 4 Rounds 30/30 Get Warm 3 lap run, 12 burpees Strength: 5 RDs: 6 Strict Pullups, 8 Strict DB Press Foundational: 4 RDS 40 DB Lawn Mowers Heavy Do one arm first, then 40 on other arm. Metcon: Dynamic Partner WOD 50 DB Alt. Snatches 45...Read More
GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 20 medball slams, 3 lap run 20 hollow rocks, 2 lap run 15 PVC GM, 1 lap run Strength: 6×3 DL Start at 65% increase in weight Lean: 6×6 DL @50% Every 1:20 Metcon: Welded 12 Min AMRAP 3 Power Cleans 185/125 10 Toes to Bar 30...Read More
GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 5 Min AMRAP 4 burpees, 8 pushups, 12 air squats Finish with 25 PVC PT Strength: Super Set: 5×8 HammerCurl and 5×10 HEAVY Goblet Squats Finish with:4×1 Minute Planks w/ 30 Second Breaks Metcon: Welded Partner WOD 50-40-30-20-10 DB Snatches Total ALT. 60/35 Cals Bike Hollow...Read More