By: Arthur Anderson This is step one, “Throw out sugar”, from my 10-step plan outlined in my I Eat Paleo blog on 1/4/2018. As you read this step you may find that part of the discussion does not support a pure Paleo lifestyle. That’s okay because these are steps to graduate past before going onto the next step and so on. Did you know that the average American consumes about 153 pounds of sugar per year? Let’s put that into perspective. That’s 346.5 cups a sugar per year or a little over one cup of sugar per day! One cup of sugar is 800 calories. Now if your scarfing down a couple cupcakes per day, or 5 non-diet sodas per day, or 5 Snickersâ bars a day or even 8 IHOPâ red velvet pancakes then you will have a pretty good idea of where the sugar is coming from. But...
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