
This week’s Featured Athlete was chosen by Coach Leo. We’re lucky to have you as part of the DE Community Kathleen!⠀ “Kathleen is the 9AM “Mom”, she is always ready to take care of anyone in need and is always the first person to reach out to a new member and help them though their first class. Her positive attitude has been an awesome addition to our class. Even though she’s only 5′ tall, she will never back down from a challenge. Thank you for being a fantastic role model for everyone!” – Coach Leo⠀
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: Coaches Choice MetCon: Build: Open Workout 20.4 (Scaled) For Time: 30 Box Jumps (24”/20”) 15 C&J (65#/35#) 30 Box Jumps 15 C&J (95#/55#) 30 Box Jumps 10 C&J (115#/75#) 30 Med. Ball Step Ups (20#/14#) 10 C&J (135#/95#) 30 Med. Ball Step Ups 5 C&J (155#/115#) 30 Med. Ball Step Ups 5 C&J (185#/135#) 20 Minute Time Cap Welded & Warrior: Open Workout 20.4 (Rx) For Time: 30 Box Jumps (24”/20”) 15 C&J (95#/65#) 30 Box Jumps 15 C&J (135#/85#) 30 Box Jumps 10 C&J (185#/115#) 30 Pistols 10 C&J (225#/145#) 30 Pistols 5 C&J (275#/175#) 30 Pistols 5 C&J (315#/205#) 20 Minute Time Cap
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: Coaches Choice MetCon: Build: Partner WOD For Time: 30 PC (135#/95#) 50 Bar Facing Burpees 70 Cal. Row 90 Alt. Pistols or 180 Air Squats 22 Minute Time Cap Welded: Partner WOD For Time: 30 PC (185#/125#) 50 Bar Facing Burpees 70 Cal. Row 90 Alt. Pistols 22 Minute Time Cap Warrior: Partner WOD For Time: 30 PC (225#/155#) 50 Bar Facing Burpees 70 Cal. Ski 90 Alt. Pistols 22 Minute Time Cap GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: Coaches Choice MetCon: South Lean: 35 Minute AMRAP 40/35 Cal. Bike 20 Burpees 30 Russian Swings 40 Air Squats Midtown Lean: Partner WOD 10 Rounds Partner 1: Max Cal. Bike Partner 2: 3 Minute AMRAP 3 Devil’s Press (35#/20#) 6 Box Jumps (24”/20”) 9 Weighted Sit Ups
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 1 min. Plank 3 Rounds 5 Reverse Pass Throughs 10 Kip Swings 15 Cal. Machine Finish w/: 30 Sec. Side Plank (each side) MetCon: Build: 20 Minute EMOM 1. 7 Kipping Leg Raises 2. 10/8 Cal. Bike Welded: 20 Minute EMOM 1. 5 T2B 2. 10/8 Cal. Bike Warrior: 20 Minute EMOM 1. 7 T2B 2. 10/8 Cal. Bike
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 3 Laps Around the Rig 3 Rounds 20 Banded Face Pulls 7 DB OHS 7 KB/DB HP (each arm) 7 KB/DB Press (each arm) Strength: Snatch (12 Minutes) Build: 6×4 Power Snatch Weld/War: Find 1 Rep Max Squat Snatch MetCon: Build: 7 Minute AMRAP 7 Lateral Burpees 5 FS (95#/65#) 7 Ring Rows Welded: 7 Minute AMRAP 7 Lateral Burpees 5 FS (115#/75#) 7 C2B Pull Ups Warrior: 7 Minute AMRAP 7 Lateral Burpees 5 FS (135#/95#) 3 Bar Muscle Ups LEAN CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 3 Laps Around the Rig 3 Rounds 20 Banded Face Pulls 7 DB OHS 7 KB/DB HP (each arm) 7 KB/DB Press (each arm) MetCon: South Lean: 35 Minute AMRAP 3 Rounds 15 Burpees 300 Meter Row 3 Rounds 30 Air Squats 30 AbMat Sit Ups Midtown Lean: 4 Rounds (60 sec. work/30 sec. rest) Max Rep Med. Ball...
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