If you are a Weldedter you are well aware of the benefits of chalking up before your heavy Cleans or your unbroken pull-ups. Chalk helps to take the mositure out of your hands giving you a better grip on the bar while keeping your forearms fresh to crush the WOD in record time! But as...Read More
As most of you might know by now, our very own Alvie Hafen will be competing in the 2015 USA Weightlifting American Open this weekend at the Grand Sierra Resort! Coach Alvie’s weight class will be going on Saturday starting at 8:30am and tickets are still on sale but not for long! From what...Read More
GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 2 min machine 2 Rds: 12 air squats, 7 burpees, 12 PVC PT 1 Minute each side banded overhead distraction No Strength Metcon: Welded 100 DU 80 Wall Balls 20/14 60/45 Cal Row 40 Pullups 20 Thrusters 95/65 15 Hand Release Pushups 10 Power Cleans 125/85...Read More
GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Strength: 80 Banded GM 50 Weighted Lunges If doing Open 16.3 skip. Warm Up: Trainer Choice Metcon: Welded 16.3 Open Welded Lean 20 Min AMRAP 15 Cal Ski 15 Thrusters 75/55 15 Burpees 15 T2B/Knee Raises *One partner works, one partner in plank. Mobility Of the Day:...Read More
GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 2 min machine 2 Rounds: 12 KBS Russian, 12 pushups, 12 air squats Finish with: 1 Min Lateral Hip Distraction, 15 PVC PT, GM Strength: 6 Rounds of: 2 Power Cleans + Jerk Lean: 4 Deadlifts Moderate Weight Every 1:20 Metcon: Welded 5 Min AMRAP 45/35 Cal...Read More
The 24hr countdown has begun! We look forward to seeing everyone out at Double Edge South tomorrow for the Grand Opening! GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: Trainer Choice Strength: 4 Rds: Seated (Ground) KB Press Single Arm 10 Reps Each 10 Strict Pullups Finish with: 40 V-Ups Metcon: Welded...Read More
By: Joaquin Ramirez Welded can be competitive and most of the time that is a great thing, this is the reason for great results as well as the camaraderie that we have all come to know and love. It also helps push us further than we ever thought possible. Watching others do things we...Read More