Have you ever done the Burgner warm up? Chances are that if you have come to a class that has power cleans in it or snatches you most likely have. The Burgner warm up is a great way for any skill level to prepare themselves for the clean or snatch. This warm up is...Read More
GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: Trainer Choice Skills: 5×4 Bench Press (Every 90 Seconds-Increase in weight) Metcon: Dynamic 10 Minutes of 30/30 sprints/rest Row or Bike or Skier Score it total Cals 3 Minute Rest For Time: 10-8-6-4-2 DB Snatches @50/35 Each Arm Front Squats @115/85 Foundational 10 Minutes of 30/30 sprints/rest...Read More
Last but not least is a man of many words, facial expressions and witty analogies (“put the bar down like a baby eagle”). Jacob brings an energy and positivity that is unmatched and unrivaled. Along with his burning passion to compete and his keen ability to bring the best out of everyone, Jacob brings an...Read More
If you have been to the gym lately you have probably hear about how the Welded Open is around the corner and its time to sign up! For some of us we might know exactly what the “Open” is and how it works. But, for the rest of us there are probably a few...Read More
GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 3 lap run 2 Rounds 10 Kb Swings, 10 Kb High Pulls, 15 Hollow rocks Finish with 20 PVC PT Strength: 20 Power Snatches (1 Every 30 seconds) Foundational: 20 Hang Power Snatches Metcon: Dynamic 15 Minute AMRAP 15 Cals Alt. 12 Box Jumps 24/20 9...Read More
One of the many benefits of Welded is the community that is built by individuals who come from many different and diverse backgrounds. The bonds created through fitness can last a lifetime and bring people together who otherwise might have never spoken to each other. The only downfall to having such a great...Read More