With only a day away until the Welded Open begins a lot of people in the gym are asking “why should I do the Welded Open? I am not good enough!”. Well I hate to have to break it to everyone at the gym but neither is anyone else! Yes this includes all coaches,...Read More
Who is Henry the Rescue dog you ask? He was a dog who was severely mistreated and was scheduled to be euthanize before Canine Rehabilitation Center and Sanctuary came to his rescue. CRCS is a local non kill shelter that takes in dogs no matter what their condition or status, which happened to be very...Read More
Mental Aspect of Training By Jacob Wellock Any sport, any discipline, anything that you want to be good at, you have to have mental fortitude. That mental fortitude can take you anywhere in life if you put your foot down and your mind to it. I am going to talk about fitness and the...Read More
Sustainable Journey By: Jacob Wellock Hey everyone! Here I am once again writing to you all with this being my second week of the Journey! I just want to say a quick thank you to all of you that have been supporting me and throwing me the good vibes throughout this endeavor, I knew...Read More
GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 3 lap run, 25 air squats, 20 scorpions 2 lap run, 20 situps, 8 burpees, 20 PVC PT, 8 burpees Strength: 8 Rounds Every 1:20 2 Power Snatch + OH Squat Lean: 2 Hang Power Clean + Front Squat Metcon: Welded 15...Read More
GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 7 Rounds 30/15 DU Practice 2 Rounds 15 PVC PT, 15 OHS PVC Skill: Pullup/RIng Dip/Muslce Ups, Rope Climbs, OHS 16 Minutes Make a Goal! Write it down, get it done. Metcon: Welded Buy In: 75 DU 3 Rounds 6 Power Snatches 95/65 12 Toes to...Read More