Workout for June 10th

Group Class Workout


Warm Up:

Trainer Choice



5 Rds: 10 Pushups, 20 Banded Tricep Extensions

FInish with: 50 V-Ups OR 50 Barbell Curls

Time Cap 14 Minutes

Adv: 15 Pushups




20 Min AMRAP

20 Lateral Burpees

15 Power Snatches 75/55

20/15 Cal Machine

15 Push Press 75/55

20 Pull ups

15 Front Squats 75/55


Scaled: Power Clean instead of Power Snatch


Welded Lean

20 Min Partner AMRAP

90 sec plank (Both)

40 Wall Balls 20/14

200m run (Both)

40 Box Jumps 24/20

60 sec Hang from pull up bar (Both)

40 V-ups


Mobility Of the Day: Super Friend Calf Smash

Improves:  The funny happy feeling when you see a rainbow