By: Derek Wellock I want to take this opportunity and talk about training versus exercising and how the programing at Double Edge approaches this. First, I need to explain the Double Edge philosophy behind these two words. Exercising, is sweating, getting your heart rate up, a little muscle burn, and a little endorphin high done...Read More
By: Jacob Wellock Everyday that you come into the gym, your goal should be to have a good workout. The only way to truly have a good workout is to have “intensity” in your workouts. Now this is going to be different for everyone therefore you should not compare yourself to someone that is doing...Read More
Thank you to everyone who attended the Reebok Welded Games Viewing Party on Saturday. We can’t wait to see all the motivation in the coming weeks after watching the fittest people on Earth workout all weekend. Congrats to the fittest woman on Earth Katrin Davidsdottir and to the fittest man on Earth Mat Fraser. Also,...Read More
By: Kris Thompson We are groomed to think that failure is bad and think that success and failure run linearly, like this: Which for some aspects of life this may be true, but not when it comes to weightlifting. Instead, we need to think that the failure-success continuum runs like this: And know that our...Read More
Being present sounds so simple right? But how often are we actually present? Often times we are caught up over what happened yesterday or maybe we are stressed out over what’s going to happen tomorrow. How does worrying help us? It simply doesn’t. Worrying does not take away tomorrow’s troubles but it WILL take away...Read More
Many of us look back and reflect on our lives as we get older. We learn from our personal experiences from childhood and we often will parent similar to the way our own parents raised us. Reflecting back on my childhood there are few things I wish I would have been more aware of. One...Read More
The time has come that everyone has been waiting for (more specifically the entire DE staff), its time to ice Derek! We were able to raise over $100 dollars during the time that Derek was away on vacation and now its time for Derek to take a nice Ice Cold bath! The icing will...Read More
Beckie’s Welded Story – Finding my “Get Skinny” Moment My Welded experience started about 1 ½ years ago. I have always struggled with my weight, and after I had kids it was even harder to lose. I tried all kinds of workout regimens to get in shape, but unfortunately nothing was working and my motivation was dwindling....Read More
GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 2 min machine, 20 airsquats, 10 burpees, 2 laps Strength: 6×4 Back Squat @75% (Every 2 Minutes) Metcon: Dynamic 5 RFT: 200 Meter Run 10 Wall Balls 20/14 10 Pull Ups 18 Min Time Cap Foundational 4 RFT: 200 Meter Run 10 Wall Ball Thrusters 10 Ringrows...Read More