Workout for October 3rd

Group Class Workout


Warm Up: 2 Rds: 15 cals, 15 goblet squats, 20 hollow rocks

Finish with: 20 scorpions, 20 leg swings, 15 PVC PT, GM

1 min Banded Hip Capsule


Strength: Front Squat Every 1:45

5×3 at 80% of Max

Lean: 5×6 Moderate Weight





Open 14.4

14 Min AMRAP

60 Cal Row

50 T2B

40 Wall-balls 20/14

30 Power Cleans 135/95

20 M.U./P.U.


Crossfit Lean

Lean 14.4

14 Min AMRAP

60 Cal Bike

50 V-Ups

40 Wall-balls 20/14

30 KB Swings 53/36

20 Ring Rows


Mobility Of The Day: Lower back stiff, pain in your shoulder?

Talk to your coach! We are here to help! Ask us!