GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 5 Min AMRAP 10 Walking Lunges, 10 PVC Good Mornings, 10 V-ups Strength: Find 1RM Deadlift (15 Minutes) Foundational: 6×3 DL Moderate Weight Metcon: Dynamic 2 Rounds 2 Min MAX Cals Bike rest 30 sec 2 Min MAX Cals Row rest 30 sec Score is MAX combined...Read More
Save Yourself The Pain By: Joel Cochran Almost daily i receive the same question… What can i do to help the pain in my back, knee, ankle, hip etc etc. My question that i always ask back is when does it start to hurt and how much mobility do you do in a day?...Read More
As a quick reminder for all those who are participating in the Lurong Challenge, workout #4 is due today by 8:59pm! If you have not yet done the workout you may complete the workout today during the class. As you might notice later in this post we will also be doing the Lurong workout...Read More
After filling up a barrel and a push cart full of food for the Northern Nevada Food Bank we are happy to announce the winners of the raffle! Ann Cordona was the winner of the new pair of Nano’s and Patrick Fletcher was the winner of the 1 hour massage sponsored by McKenna Berg of...Read More
Next up for coaches appreciation is the one and only Alvie Hafen! If you have been around for the past year or even just since Halloween you probably know how unique Alvie can be with his costumes and love for burning man. As unique of a style that Alvie shows sometimes, his passion for...Read More
Can a training program like Welded help to cure depression? This is the question I asked Faraaz Merchant a local psychiatrists and Double Edge member after a workout last week, his response surprised me. Faraaz explained to me that there has been an significant amount of studies that have shown the benefit exercise can have...Read More