GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 400 meter run or 500 meter row 30 air squats 3 Rounds: 3 second stretch lunge hold 3 second hamstring hold (each leg) Strength: Front Squat (14 minutes) Strength: 1 rep max Technique: 5×3 moderate weight Warm Up: 1×10 empty barbell 1×5 @40% 1×4 @50% 1×3 @60% 1×2 @70-75% 1 rep...Read More
You’re not going to want to miss class today as it is a “retest” day! If you are new or need a refresher as to what test/retest days are and why we do them check out Coach Joaquin’s original post on the topic by clicking here. GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 30/24 calorie machine 20 tempo squats...Read More