
*Classes at Midtown are cancelled for Welded Level 1 Seminar. GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: Coaches Choice MetCon: Welded Rx & Lean: For Time: Buy In: 150/120 Cal. Row 5 Rounds 20 Wall Balls (20#/14#, 10’/9’) 15 DL (135#/95#) Cash Out: 150/120 Cal. Bike 45 Minute Time Cap
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This week’s Featured Athlete was chosen by Coach Arthur! Thanks for continuously working hard Maryann, keep up the great work! “My DECF Monday goes out to my DECF Masters, Maryann Potter.  Maryann has been a member of Double Edge for a little over a year.  During this time I have had to use my best salesman skills to convince her to try burpees.  Finally last year Maryann, begrudgingly, started doing burpees.  Today I watched her do 15 burpees, without a complaint, like a pro.  Maryann you have come a long way, thank you for your willingness to break out of your comfort zone.  Great work today.” – Coach Arthur
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 3 Rounds 5 Single Arm KB OHS (each side) 20 Band Pull Aparts 20/15 Cal. Machine 5 Tempo Push Ups (3000) Accessory Work: (Do Not Superset) 5×15 BB Upright Row (every 1:15) 5×40 Banded Tricep Extension (every 1:15) MetCon: Welded Rx & Lean: 8 Rounds 10 Alt. DB Squat Snatches (50#/35#) 40 Double Unders 30 second rest Intro: 8 Single Arm KB Swings (each side) 80 Single Unders Welded Athlete: 6 @75#/50# 70 Double Unders
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By: Joaquin Ramirez We are now two weeks into the nutrition challenge and already we have seen quite an improvement in a lot of people! For those of you who decided to opt out of this years challenge I have gathered some of the most important takeaways when it comes to changing your nutrition. #1 Remember that when you set goals “ I want to lose 5 pounds of fat” you must first understand how you’re going to get there. You’ll have to set smaller goals to achieve the bigger ones. So if the goal is to lose body fat then maybe you will set your first goal of eating vegetables at every meal. Once you have done that consistently for a week or two then you set another goal of possibly replacing sugary drinks with water, sparkling water or zevia. Once that has been achieved you can then look into...
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: Coaches Choice MetCon: Welded Rx: 5 Rounds (Not for Time) 25/20 Cal. Bike 3 Squat Snatches or 5 DL (Choose Weight) 2-4 Ring MU or 8-12 Pull Ups *30 Minute Time Cap Lean: 5 Rounds 15 Burpees 30/24 Cal. Row 15 Hang Power Snatches (65#/45#) 30 V-Ups Finish with: 4 minutes of Planking *38 Minute Time Cap
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