
This week’s Featured Athlete was chosen by Coach Sabrina! Keep up the awesome work Monica! “My #DECFmonday goes out to my girl Monica! She usually comes to my noon class with her Noble Crew. Monica is such a dedicated athlete, she comes in daily and is very focused and attentive to what you are saying! She catches on quickly and does her research. I love watching Monica grow in the sport of fitness and challenge herself on the daily! These are just a few pictures of how high she’s getting on those chest to bars! And now she’s been focusing on her butterfly pull-ups which i know she’ll be getting soon!! Thanks for being apart of our community Monica!! ” – Coach Sabrina
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: Coaches Choice MetCon: Welded Rx & Lean: Open Workout 19.3 (Rx) For Time: 200’DB OH Walking Lunge (50#/35#) 50 DB Box Step Ups (50#/35#, 24”/20”) 50 Strict HSPU 200’ HS Walk 10 Minute Time Cap Open Workout 19.3 (Scaled) For Time: 200’ DB Front Rack Lunge (50#/35#) 50 DB Box Step Ups (50#/35#, 24”/20”) 50 Elevated Strict HSPU (5”) 200’ Bear Crawl 10 Minute Time Cap
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By: Dawn Swinney When I transitioned from long-time member to evening coach at Midtown last year, I had one of the biggest realizations of my time at Double Edge yet. I found myself asking, “who’s that?” with multiple members. Now, this would be ok if these were new members that I was meeting for the first time… but a lot of the time it was people who had been there for years. I just hadn’t met them or didn’t know their name. It was a huge eye-opener for me and since then, I try really hard to learn and remember people’s names at the gym. I don’t do this just because I work here, but also because I know how nice it is when someone remembers who you are by name. I know how nice it feels when I’m suffering through the last few minutes in a workout and I...
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 4 Rounds 10 ring rows 30 second front leaning rest 2 Rounds 5 goblet squats 10 leg swings (each side) Accessory: Superset (every 1:15) 5×5-8 Wide Grip Strict Pull Up 5×10 DB Bench Press MetCon: Welded Rx: 21 Minute EMOM 1. 10 thrusters (95#/65#) 2. 7 single arm kettlebell hang snatches (each side) 3. 40 double unders/60 singles Lean: 4 Rounds 2 minute plank 50 push ups 60 walking lunges (total) 70 caloprie machine 40 Minute Time Cap If doing the Open: “Heartbreak Ridge” 40 Rounds 30 sec. work/30 sec. rest bike
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Did you know that the most push-ups completed in 24 hours is 46,001?!  Why this fun little fact? On March 11th we will be starting the 1st annual Reps of Discipline push-up challenge. Now before we go any farther, this is NOT a competition but a challenge that is open to anyone who wants to help bring awareness to health and fitness all while improving your push-ups! Here is how it works.  Click on the link below to sign up for the challenge which starts next Monday, March 11th.  You will then have 28 days to complete 4200 push ups, which is exactly 150 each day. These push-ups can be modified to the ability of the athlete (push ups from your knees, from a box, a wall etc..).  You will then record your number through our online platform which will keep track of all your reps. The cost to participate...
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