
GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 3 Rounds 25 band pulls 10 band overhead squats 10 kettlebell high pulls (each arm) 10 kettlebell presses (each arm) Strength: Snatch (every 1:15) Strength: 7×3 Technique: 7×3 power snatch MetCon: Welded: 3 Rounds 9-6-3 thruster (105#/85#) chest to bar lateral burpee Welded Lean: 3 Rounds 10 single arm kettlebell hang clean and jerk (44#/26#, each side) 25 calorie bike
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: Coaches Choice MetCon: 8 Rounds 30 wall balls (20#/14#) 15 power cleans (115#/75#) 15 burpee box jumps *40 minute time cap
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This week’s Featured Athlete was chosen by our newest Coach, Dawn! Great job Kohl, keep it up! “This is Kohl. Kohl has been a member of Double Edge for 11 months. Kohl is one of 3 Neary boys (he works out alongside his dad and brother almost daily) that are part of the midtown community. He’s always excited to be in class, listens to input on how to improve, and puts in the extra work to get better each day. Today he PR’d both his power clean AND his squat snatch! Keep up the awesome work, Kohl! We are so glad to have you and your family at Double Edge!” – Coach Dawn
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 2 minute machine Dynamic Range of Motion (Coaches Choice) 3 Rounds: 10 Cossack squats (total) 15 kettlebell sumo deadlifts Strength: Sumo Deadlift (every 1:15) 8×3 MetCon: Welded & Welded Lean: For Time: 400 meter Run 20 thrusters (95#/65#) 400 meter run 20 thrusters 400 meter run
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By: Joaquin Ramirez April is upon us and now that The Open is over I have seen frustration, motivation and excitement to learn and master new skills.  The Open has an amazing way of humbling each and every one of us whether it’s the skill itself or possibly the heavier weights. You must remember that this is a good thing! Yes you might not like it at the time but it is challenging you to learn a new skill or push towards the heavier weights, which means you are breaking barriers. This month we want you to push yourself past your comfort zone and past those barriers to advance your skill and fitness. You will see some more advanced workouts this month and this is a great chance to push the boundaries. If you see a workout that has chest to bar pull-ups in it and you are someone that...
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