By: Wes Winter Let’s talk about chalk. We all use it, whether chalking up before some clean and jerk strength work, heading to the pull-up bar, or mid WOD dumbbell snatches. Chalk dries the sweaty grip for solid security on a heavy barbell and gives confidence in not ripping the palms on those big sets of pull-ups mid workout. It’s a great tool in the gym. But is it subconsciously hurting more than helping? Let me explain. A few weeks ago we had DT as Tier 2 Testing. I watched throughout the day as many very fit Tier 2 DE athletes attempted to complete this challenging Hero WOD under the time cap. Very few finished under the time cap checking it off of their list. However, one attempt stood out to me. With an 8 minute time cap, the athlete was coming up to the 7 minute mark and was...
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