GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 2 minutes machine, 3 lap run 1 min plank 20 air squats, 20 lunges Strength: 6×3 OH Squat 6×3 Front Squat Every 1:20 Increase in weight @70% Metcon: Welded and Welded Lean 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 Thrusters @75/55 14-12-10-8-6-4-2 Toes to Bar OR Knees to Elbows 21-18-15-12-9-6-2 Mobility:...Read More
GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 2 min machine, 20 scorpions, 15 PVC GM 3 Rounds 15 PVC PT, 10 pushups, 10 KB high pulls Strength: 7×2+1 TnG Power Snatch+OH Squat Lean: 7×4 Hang Power Snatch (Every 1:15) Welded For Time: 80M/65F Cal Bike 20 Deadlifts @185/125 30 DB Push Press 40/25...Read More
As we are closing in on our 2nd year of business we cannot help but be humbled by the overwhelming support and love that we have received from our members from the very first day that we opened our doors in 2014. We know that without the dedicated members of Double Edge we wouldn’t...Read More
The Ace’s baseball tickets for member’s appreciation night are in! If you were one of the 120 people who signed up to go to member’s appreciation night this Friday, please pick up your tickets at the front desk! Included with your tickets will be a 20% off voucher for the gift shop and also...Read More
The Importance of Mobility By Jacob Wellock Everyone loves to be strong and be able to move functionally everyday, or do they? In this blog, I am going to talk about what it means to truly be functional and how flexibility, not just mobility, but flexibility can help you be more comfortable in your day-to-day...Read More
By Derek Wellock I notice the flu virus is sneaking in this season and there a couple things you can do to prevent it and or reduce the severity of it. These simple tips are key to staying flu free this season. Take your vitamins every single day. Although there are health care professionals...Read More
GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 1 min plank, 30 air squats, 20 situps, 15 pushups 10 burpees Finish with 15 PVC PT, GM and 20 leg swings each Strength: Back Squat 2×8 @60%, 3×3 @75% Every 90 Seconds Metcon: Welded 5 Rounds 3 Min AMRAP 3 Power Cleans 6 Hand Release Pushups...Read More
By Alvie Hafen The world can be a dark and dreary place. Everyday in the media we see the worst of human society. There are crimes of hate, school shootings, and acts of terror. Why? Why do humans do these terrible things to each other? Even in schools kids tease and bully each other...Read More