Group Class Workout WARM UP Trainer Choice STRENGTH 5×3 Back Squat @85% (14 Minutes to Complete) Must take at least 10 minutes METCON Dynamic: 15 Min Alt. Partner 10 Pushups 10 Ab-Mat Situps 10 Unbroken* DUs Foundational: 15 Min Alt. Partner 8 Pushups 8 Ab-Mat situps 15 singles One work,...Read More
My wife and I joined Double Edge 4 months ago and we are truly hooked for life. Even though we are older than most of the members, we have quickly made personal gains in our overall fitness. After each workout we discuss how well we competed against the younger members. The Double Edge experience starts...Read More
As we continue with the paleo challenge i have seen more and more recipes and photos of great food and tasty treats streaming across Instagram and Facebook. I have for one found it extremely helpful to see that paleo doesn’t have to be raw vegetables and grass fed beef everyday! It has been...Read More
Quick Reminder! All Lurong workouts need to be done and inputted by Monday the 20th by 8:59pm for our gym to receive points! We are still fighting for the top position and we need to continue logging those diets, goals, recipes and workouts. If you haven’t tried to move up a level on the...Read More
As most of you might know the Double Edge team was away this weekend in San Jose for a business retreat to build towards a better year in 2015. During the weekend we worked over 8 hours analyzing our successes and failures as a team and a business in 2014 and also how we can...Read More
Before you started Welded chalk was the little white sticks that were used in grade school. But alas, you now know the beautiful white powder that us Weldedters use freely to make sure that our hands have the best grip possible for that pull up or PR! Now it seems that you cant take touch...Read More
GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 4 Rounds 4 inchworms, 8 pushups, 12 air squats, 12 PVC PT Strength: 10 Sets EMOM Power Snatch+OH Squat Foundational: 2 Power Snatches Dynamic For Time: 20-16-12-8-4 Alt. DB Snatches @70/45-60/35 HSPU 10-8-6-4-2 20 Double Unders after each set Foundational For Time: 20-16-12-8-4 Alt. DB Snatches...Read More
Do you have to be mentally tough to be able to do Welded? If you constantly practice Welded do you believe it can make you mentally stronger? If you have been doing Welded for longer than a month then you probably know the answer to both of those questions, Welded is hard! We all can...Read More