Remember the days when you had to call someone from a land line? For some of us we do remember, for others you might be sitting there wondering what a land line is…. Yes before the Nokia 5150 and snake there was such a thing called a land line in which you made your calls...Read More
“Everything is easier said than done. Wanting something is easy. Saying something is easy. The challenge and the reward are in the doing” Sometimes things are easier said than done. In the case of eating healthy it might be the easiest said than done of them all! We are constantly tempted everyday by foods...Read More
Well after 3 weeks of constant reminders it looks like we have hit our goal of 60 people for the lurong challenge! The count as of right now is 70 people and growing! We are extremely excited to start this challenge and to show the rest of the nation how strong the Double Edge Community...Read More
Did you know that in America every two seconds someone is in need of blood? Did you also know that without blood transfusions 4.5 million Americans would die each year? These are just a few alarming facts that i was able to find when researching about blood drives. I personally have never given blood...Read More
GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 2 Rounds 15 KB high pulls, 3 lap run, 7 burpees, 7 pushups Strength: 4×10 Seated DB Strict Press 4×15 Bent Over DB Flys 4×8 Single Leg Romanian DL with DB’s (Basic-Standard DB DL) (15 Minute Time Cap) Metcon: Dynamic Partner Workout 60 Cal Bike 50 Pull...Read More
With temperatures dropping and snow falling its imperative that you stay warm specially on those chilly nights! Have no fear Double Edge is here! Our newly designed Double Edge sweatshirts will keep you hotter than a firecracker lit on both ends! These stylish yet functional sweatshirts will make a great gift for anyone that has...Read More
Yesterday we started a new series on Facebook to show our appreciation to our coaches at Double Edge. Kyle Hemsley was the first coach we highlighted in which we received a very kind story from Emily showing her appreciation for all he has done for her. If you want to say thanks to Kyle...Read More
With only a day away until the Welded Open begins a lot of people in the gym are asking “why should I do the Welded Open? I am not good enough!”. Well I hate to have to break it to everyone at the gym but neither is anyone else! Yes this includes all coaches,...Read More