
GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: Coaches Choice MetCon: Welded Rx & Lean: 40 Minute AMRAP 80 calorie row 70 V-Ups 60 push ups 50 walking lunges (each leg) 40 calorie bike WEIGHTLIFTING (Midtown 10:30AM) Clean and Jerk (every 1:30) 8×2 @80% Clean Pull + Floating Clean Pull (every 1:30) 5x2x2 @80% of best Clean Strict Press (every 1:30) 5×10
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This week’s Featured Athlete was chosen by Coach Trent! Michael has made a great impression in the short amount of time with us and we’re excited to be a part of his fitness journey! “I had to recognize the commitment of Micheal for our #DECFmonday My man did his first class on January 18th and has only missed one weekday since. I appreciate his consistency but more so his attitude that he brings in to class. As we may remember our first time starting Welded, it can be a bit confusing. But Michael is looking like a natural and making amazing progress. Keep up the solid work brotha!” – Coach Trent
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: Coaches Choice MetCon: Welded Rx & Lean: Open Workout 19.1 15 Minute AMRAP 19 wallballs (20#/14#, 10’/9′) 19 calorie row Scaled: 14#/10#
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By: Joel Cochran Part of my daily habit is to set aside time to read in the morning and to listen to audiobooks on the way to work.  I always start my day off by reading the bible for 20 minutes while I am having my morning coffee, this helps to bring gratefulness into my day while providing me with wisdom and direction.  Next, I listen to an audiobook on my way to work as I have found that is when I am most attentive and ready to learn. If you don’t currently read, I highly encourage you to open a book, subscribe to a podcast, download an audiobook or just pull up the news on your phone.  Reading has shown to decrease stress, increase memory, facilitate better focus/concentration and improve analytical thinking skills. The list that I have picked below are my top 3 books that I read last...
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: Coaches Choice Strength: Deadlift (every 2:00) 5×5 MetCon: Welded Rx: For Time: 15-12-9 front squat (135#/95#) burpee box jump overs 70-70-70 double unders 9 Minute Time Cap Lean: 3 Rounds 50 calorie ski 50 calorie bike 50 calorie row 25 air squats 40 Minute Time Cap
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