
This week’s Member Monday was chosen by Coach Sabrina! Keep crushing it Julie, we’re excited to have another DE Strong Mom and can’t wait to meet your workout buddy! Thank you for trusting us with your fitness and health. “Julie is one of my DE Mommas, it is so awesome watching her continue to be apart of Double Edge throughout her pregnancy. Keep inspiring us along the way and thank you for being apart of our DE Community!” – Coach Sabrina “Double Edge changed the entire way I approached fitness, physical, and mental health. It made me realize being healthy wasn’t just about looking perfect. Rather, it was about being strong, treating my body right, and making time for myself. Double Edge has been a constant rock in my life and I’m so happy I get to be a part of the community there!” – Julie Cochran
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: Coaches Choice MetCon: Build: Partner Workout 5 Rounds 30 Ring Rows 20 Thrusters (75#/55#) Run Together* *Rounds 1 and 2: 200 meter run *Rounds 3 and 4: 400 meter run *Round 5: 800 meter run Welded: Partner Workout 5 Rounds 15 Pull Ups 20 Thrusters (95#/65#) Run Together* *Rounds 1 and 2: 200 meter run *Rounds 3 and 4: 400 meter run *Round 5: 800 meter run Warrior: Partner Workout 5 Rounds 15 C2B Pull Ups 20 Thrusters (115#/75#) Run Together* *Rounds 1 and 2: 200 meter run *Rounds 3 and 4: 400 meter run *Round 5: 800 meter run
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By: Joel Cochran When wass the last time that you said no?  I don’t mean the obvious stuff like saying no to a bad movie or to running the RTO in a weighted vest.  The kind of no that I am talking about is the one that can make you feel uncomfortable like saying no to your boss when they ask you to take on another project, or saying no to a friend who wants you to stop by their birthday party even though you have previous plans on that day with your wife.   The problem with actually saying no is that we aren’t used to doing it.  Instead of controlling our own schedule and life we allow others to take over simply by not using those two little letters that sit together as a perfect pair.  If we are always saying yes to something or someone then we...
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 3 Rounds 25 Banded GM 5 Single Leg KB RDL 10 Walking Lunges Strength: Deadlift (every 2:00) 4×4 MetCon: Build: 3×4 Minute AMRAP 30 Single Unders or 5 Double Unders 10 Alt. DB Snatches (40#/25#) 1 minute rest after each AMRAP Welded: 3×4 Minute AMRAP 30 Double Unders 10 Alt. DB Snatches (50#/35#) 1 minute rest after each AMRAP Warrior: 3×4 Minute AMRAP 50 Double Unders 6 Alt. DB Snatches (75#/50#) 1 minute rest after each AMRAP LEAN GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 3 Rounds 25 Banded GM 5 Single Leg KB RDL 10 Walking Lunges MetCon: 35 Minute AMRAP 20 KB Lunges 5 KB Burpee DL 1 Minute Plank 200 Meter Run
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Why Does 12 Matter? After being in the health and fitness space for over 10 years now in which I have logged countless hours helping define, plan and execute goals for members, I have found that 12 high-intensity Welded workouts per month that combine strength, power, and endurance are the bare minimum to make consistent progress.  At Double Edge we believe in this so much we are going to put our money where our mouth is and fully commit to you for committing to us. Committed Club:  12 Workout Appointments per month (open gym does not count) and you get entered into a raffle each month to win 1 of 4 $50 membership credits.  That is $200 per month, $2400 per year. Those who complete 12 per month from June 1st, 2019 through June 30, 2020, will be entered into a raffle to win a one-year All-Access membership valued at...
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