
GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 3 Rounds 10 Goblet Squats Light 10 Leg Swings (each side) 30 Sec. Plank 200 Meter Run Strength: Back Squat (every 1:30) 5×3 (3 sec. pause in bottom of last rep) MetCon: Build: 2 Rounds 800 Meter Run 20 Burpee Box Jumps 14 Minute Time Cap Welded: 2 Rounds 800 Meter Run 20 Burpee Box Jumps 14 Minute Time Cap Warrior: 2 Rounds 800 Meter Run 20 Burpee Box Jumps 14 Minute Time Cap LEAN GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 3 Rounds 10 Goblet Squats Light 10 Leg Swings (each side) 30 Sec. Plank 200 Meter Run MetCon: 3 Rounds 800 Meter Run 30 Russian KB Swings (53#/35#) 3 Rounds 40/35 Cal. Bike 15 Goblet Squats 35 Minute Time Cap
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GORUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 2 Rounds 20/16 Cal. Machine 5 Burpee Broad Jumps 2 Rounds 15 Single Arm KB Strict Press (each side) 10 Ring Rows Strength: Power Clean + Push Jerk (every 1:15) 7×2 MetCon: Build: 8 Minute AMRAP 5 Clean and Jerks (95#/65#) 9 Pull Ups or 15 Ring Rows Welded: 8 Minute AMRAP 5 Clean and Jerks (135#/95#) 9 C2B Pull Ups Warriod 8 Minute AMRAP 5 Clean and Jerks (135#/95#) 5 RMU
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: Coaches Choice MetCon: 40 Minute AMRAP 50 Cal. Row 50 Cal. Bike 50 Box Jump Overs (24”/20”) 50 Burpees 50 Goblet Squats (Choose weight) 50 KB Swings (Choose weight) WEIGHTLIFTING (Midtown 10:30AM) Warm Up: Coaches Choice Weightlifting: Hang Squat Snatch (every 1:30) 8×3 (Choose weight) Snatch Pulls (every 1:30) 5×4 @90% of best Snatch OHS (every 1:30) 4×3 (Choose weight)
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This week’s Member Monday was chosen by Coach Sabrina! Keep crushing it Julie, we’re excited to have another DE Strong Mom and can’t wait to meet your workout buddy! Thank you for trusting us with your fitness and health. “Julie is one of my DE Mommas, it is so awesome watching her continue to be apart of Double Edge throughout her pregnancy. Keep inspiring us along the way and thank you for being apart of our DE Community!” – Coach Sabrina “Double Edge changed the entire way I approached fitness, physical, and mental health. It made me realize being healthy wasn’t just about looking perfect. Rather, it was about being strong, treating my body right, and making time for myself. Double Edge has been a constant rock in my life and I’m so happy I get to be a part of the community there!” – Julie Cochran
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: Coaches Choice MetCon: Build: Partner Workout 5 Rounds 30 Ring Rows 20 Thrusters (75#/55#) Run Together* *Rounds 1 and 2: 200 meter run *Rounds 3 and 4: 400 meter run *Round 5: 800 meter run Welded: Partner Workout 5 Rounds 15 Pull Ups 20 Thrusters (95#/65#) Run Together* *Rounds 1 and 2: 200 meter run *Rounds 3 and 4: 400 meter run *Round 5: 800 meter run Warrior: Partner Workout 5 Rounds 15 C2B Pull Ups 20 Thrusters (115#/75#) Run Together* *Rounds 1 and 2: 200 meter run *Rounds 3 and 4: 400 meter run *Round 5: 800 meter run
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