By: Kris Thompson If you’re prone to lower back pain but all the foam rolling and stretching isn’t really helping, the culprit could be tight psoas (pronounced SO-as) muscles. Everyone can benefit from stretching out this muscle even if your back isn’t currently hurting, this could help prevent such pain and help you continue making gains in the gym. What’s a psoas? The psoas is a thick muscle that attaches from your lumbar spine (low back) to your femur (see picture below) and is a big player in the hip flexor muscle group. It’s the primary connection between your legs and torso, affecting your posture as well as stabilizing your spine. Because the psoas muscles play such a big part in hip flexion, weak psoas require the surrounding muscles to compensate and potentially become overused and that’s when pain can occur. Spending a lot of time in a position where this...
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