
GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 3 Rounds 10 kettlebell swings 10 goblet squats 3 Rounds 5 tempo barbell back squats 5 barbell good mornings Strength: Back Squat (every 1:30) 6×4 @75% MetCon: Welded: 4 Rounds (every 5 minutes) 12 pull ups 10 lateral burpees 8 power cleans (135#/95#) 200 meter run Welded Lean: 3 Rounds 700 meter row 40 air squats 20 push ups  
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By: Alvie Hafen What is Frequency Illusion? Frequency Illusion is defined as a phenomenon which occurs when the thing you’ve just noticed, experienced or been told about suddenly appears up constantly.   There are two psychological processes that occur during the Frequency Illusion. The first is selective attention:  Have you ever bought a new car or just even thought about buying a new car? Say a Ford F-150. After you bought this car or thought about buying it you begin to notice it everywhere! In the parking lots at the grocery store, on the freeway, and even in commercials. That truck is everywhere! You aren’t crazy, you are totally seeing it more. This is because you are now noticing it more.  The brain gets excited that we now have a new car!  Our brains now are subconsciously on the look out for that new car. Because of this we find it surprisingly more...
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: Coaches Choice MetCon: Welded: 4 Rounds 10 toes to bar 50′ dumbbell front rack lunges (25′ increments, 50#/35#) Welded Athlete: 53#/35# kettlebells Welded Lean: For Time: 200/160 calorie bike 200 double unders or 400 singles 2K row
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 20/15 calorie machine 20 walking lunges 20 ring rows 20 push ups Strength: Power Clean (every 1:15) 8×3 @75-80% (drop and reset) MetCon: Welded: 12 minute AMRAP 30 overhead squats (95#/65#) 30 burpee box jumps Welded Athlete: 155#/105# Welded Lean: 12 minute AMRAP 40 V-Ups 30 alternating dumbbell snatches (50#/35#) 20/15 calorie machine
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: Coaches Choice MetCon: For Time: 100 wall balls 100/80 calorie bike 100 sit ups 100/80 calorie row 100 walking lunges 100/80 calorie bike or row
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