Building a Team Through Fitness By Derek Wellock Welded is what Double Edge is all about and usually we like to discuss the health and fitness benefits of exercise with in our trainer’s corner of the monthly news article. This month I want to change that up a little bit and discuss how you can...Read More
GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: Technique tips on rowing 3 min row AND 3 min bike Finish with 15 PVC PT, 15 pushups , 15 PVC PT Skill: 14 Min Time Cap Double Under/Triple Under Practice Pullup/C2B Pullup/ Muscle Up Metcon: Dynamic: 4x 500m Row Rest 3 min between Each Row is...Read More
GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: Trainer Choice Strength: Advanced: 5×4 OH Squat (Every 1:20) Crossfit: 5×3 Front Squat 70% Increase in weight Lean: 5×5 Front Squat 50% Increase in weight Metcon: Welded & Welded Lean 6 Minute Max Row or Ski Cals 1 Minute transition 6 Minute Max Bike Cals 1 Minute...Read More
If you have ever owned a home you might have noticed that when you first got your home you had more space than you knew what to do with. After a couple of years you then realize that you have quickly ran out of space to store anything and you wonder to yourself what happened...Read More
GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 50 DU (100 Singles), 3 lap run 3 Rounds 10 PVC GM, 5 inchworms, 12 KB High Pulls Strength: 16 Singles Sumo DL (Every 40 seconds) Heavy, but maintain form. Metcon: Welded 3 Rounds for Time: 5 Front Squats @135/95 5 Hang Cleans @135/95 10 Pull Ups...Read More
Why Welded Kids By: Daniel Schott It is summer time! The sun is shining and the kids are out of school. This brings up every parents dilemma. What do you do with the kids to keep them busy and active during the summer? The simple answer is to enroll them into Double Edge Fitness’s KidFit...Read More
GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm up: 4 minutes of 40/20 on the machine 15 goblet squats 20 lunges 20 scorpions 5 inch worms Strength: Back Squat Every 1:20 Welded: 7×2 @ 80% Welded Lean: 7×5 @ 65% after 7th set 2 minutes max Russian twists Metcon: Welded 5 Rounds 3 MU/ 12 Pullups...Read More
If you were looking for the workout of the day yesterday and you ran into a WordPress screen instead, we have a perfectly good explanation for it. The Aussies bogged down our internet! Yes you heard it right, the mates from down under were flooding our website after there was a couple posts...Read More
If you haven’t already heard, we have a new member of the Double Edge family. Dr. McBroom or Chris has recently joined the team as the in house chiropractor to help with keeping people aligned and feeling fine! Get to know Chris a little more by reading his Bio below and if you have any...Read More
GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 3 min machine 3 Rounds 12 KB high pulls, 12 PVC PT, 12 air squats 1 min plank Strength: 100 Push Ups (14 Minutes) Every 75 seconds-10 V-Ups *Start with V-Ups Metcon: Welded Partner WOD Alternating 23 Min AMRAP 1 Full Squat Clean & Jerk 155/105...Read More