
Latest WOD
GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: Coaches Choice MetCon: 5 Rounds 50/40 calorie machine 10 single arm kettlebell thrusters (35#/26#, each arm) 20 ring rows 20 sit ups 400 meter run
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 2 Rounds 200 meter run 6 burpees 10 single arm dumbbell hang snatches 6 single arm DB thrusters (each arm) Barbell Progression Strength: Power Clean (every 1:00) 8×3 MetCon: Welded & Welded Lean: 3 Rounds 3 minute AMRAP max calorie row 30 second rest 3 minute AMRAP 3 single arm...
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 15 burpees 2 Rounds 5 single arm bottoms up kettlebell press (each arm) 10 kettlebell deadlifts 5 inchworms Accessory Work: 12 minute EMOM 1. 12-15 goblet squats (70#/53#) 2. 45-60 second plank 3. 5-7 box jumps (taller box) MetCon: Welded: For Time: 3 Rounds 12 pull ups 12 handstand push...
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 1 minute passive bar hang 10 tempo push ups (30X0) 2 Rounds 250 meter row 10 kettlebell thrusters 10 kettlebell push jerks Finish with: 10 scap pull ups Strength: Push Press (every 1:15) 6×3 (pick one weight for all 6 sets) MetCon: Welded: 14 minute AMRAP 10 deadlifts (185#/125#) 15...
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 2 Rounds 10 single arm kettlebell front rack reverse lunge (each side) 20 glute bridges 15 single arm kettlebell bent over rows (each arm) 10 single arm kettlebell presses (each arm) Finish with: 10 tempo air squats (32X0) Strength: Front Squat 5×4 (rising) MetCon: Welded: For Time: 50-40-30 wall balls...
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: Coaches Choice MetCon: 10 Rounds 1 round of “Cindy”* 200 meter run 1 kettlebell complex** * “Cindy” – 5 pull ups, 10 push ups, 15 air squats * kettlebell complex – 5 kettlebell swings, 5  goblet squats, 5 kettlebell push presses (each side)
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 2 Rounds 200 meter run 6 burpees 10 single arm dumbbell hang clean and jerk 6 single arm dumbbell front squats (each arm) MetCon: Welded & Welded Lean: For Time: 1,000 meter row 20 clean and jerks (115#/80#) 50/45 calorie bike 20 clean and jerks *20 minute time cap
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: (with a partner) 200 meter run 3 Rounds Partner 1 – 10 goblet squats Partner 2 – plank hold SWITCH Partner 1: 10 kettlebell swings Partner 2: hollow body hold Finish with: 10 partner high five push ups MetCon: Welded & Welded Lean: Partner WOD 30 minute AMRAP 30 back...
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 400 meter run 2 Rounds 50’ bear crawl 10 single arm kettlebell high pulls 10 kettlebell snatches (each arm) 10 single arm ring rows Strength: Bench Press & Pull Up Hold (every 2:00) Close Grip Bench Press 10,8,6,4 15-20 sec Prone Chin Over The Bar Hold MetCon: Welded: 4×4 minute...
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 4 Rounds 150 meter row 10 goblet tall kneeling to standing 10 kettlebell row (each side) Accessory Work: 12 minute EMOM 1. 8 front foot elevated dual kettlebell front rack lunges 2. 8-10 tempo ring rows 3. 30 second side plank (each side) MetCon: Welded: 14 minute AMRAP 30 wall...
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