GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: Coaches Choice Skill Work: Muscle Up Practice (10 Minutes) MetCon: Welded Rx & Lean: For Time: 60-50-40 air squats 15-15-15 toes to bar Cash Out: 2K row or 150/120 calorie bike Welded Athlete: 30-24-18 Pistols 17 Minute Time CapRead More
GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 3 Rounds 10 kettlebell high pulls (each side) 30 second plank 5 Cossack Squats (each side) 2 Rounds 5 single arm kettlebell overhead squats 20 banded good mornings Strength: Hang Squat Snatch (every 1:15) 6×2 @70-75% Intro: 6×4 Hang Power Snatch MetCon: Welded Rx: “Bond” *With a 20 Minute Running...Read More
GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: Coaches Choice MetCon: Welded Rx & Lean: Open Workout 19.2 Beginning on an 8-minute clock, complete as many reps as possible of: 25 toes-to-bars 50 double-unders 15 squat cleans (weight #1) 25 toes-to-bars 50 double-unders 13 squat cleans (weight #2) If completed before 8 minutes, add 4 minutes to the...Read More
All of us are making an effort to eat healthier by eating less packaged foods and substituting them with fresh foods and organic whenever possible. And with modern grocery stores we can get almost any vegetable or fruit anytime of the year. Apples in February and asparagus in September. How awesome is that! But, yes...Read More