
By: Sabrina Blajos Hey Fit Fam! As some of you know i had just recently went to a BirthFit coaching seminar. Most of you probably have no idea what that is, so for starters BirthFit is “To cultivate awareness and enhance education throughout the motherhood transition by developing and producing one of a kind BIRTHFIT experiences through in-person classes and distance learning so that a woman has the space to make her own informed, intuitively guided choices.” -BirthFit BirthFit is founded on Four Pillars: Fitness, Nutrition, Mindset, and Connection! BirthFit is a movement in helping expecting and postpartum moms take charge of their own bodies, as well as create a birth journey they can call their own! Every woman’s story is different and that is something that should be embraced and respected. Unfortunately, a lot of the times, especially in the fitness world, it can be very routine. “Has it...
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 3 Rounds 15 kettlebell deadlift 10 archer rows 5 single leg kettlebell Romanian deadlift (each side) Strength: Power Snatch (every 1:15) 7×2 (touch & go) MetCon: Welded Rx: 12 Minute EMOM 1. 45 second plank 2. 5 hang squat cleans (135#/95#) Lean: 35 Minute AMRAP 80/65 calorie bike 80 walking lunges 80 AbMat sit ups 80 single arm dumbbell hang cleans (50#/35#)
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Do You have a family member or friend who you have been trying to get to Welded? On February 19th we will be hosting a community day in which you will be able to bring them for FREE! Our community days are all about showing your loved ones what you do and also to give them a little taste of what Welded is all about! The workout will be a partner WOD that will be scalable for all athletes no matter their fitness experience. At the end of the workout they will also have the opportunity to take advantage of a 1 day special of 2 weeks for $25, but it will only be available on February 19th! If you plan on bringing someone on the 19th click the link below for our online waiver and then send it to your family or friends. If you have any questions about...
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 4 Rounds 10 walking lunges 10 calorie sprint row/bike 10 leg swings (each side) Strength: Back Squat (every 2:00) 6×3 @80% MetCon: Welded Rx & Lean: 15 Minute AMRAP 2 Rounds 15 burpees 15 toes to bar 2 Rounds 15 shoulder to overhead (95#/65#) 15 calorie ski/row
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By: Dawn Swinney Are you stuck in the comparison trap? When you compare yourself to others, it takes away from anything you may experience that is personal to you. This steals the joy out of what could be the celebration of an accomplishment. When the athletes I coach tell me that they didn’t do as good as so-and-so or are reluctant to ring the bell on a max day because they’re embarrassed of their score or weight, 3 words always come to my mind and sometimes to my mouth: you do you.  Social media and everything we can expose ourselves to on a daily basis can inspire, but unfortunately most of the time if we’re already discouraged with where we’re at, it can send us down a path of negativity and self-doubt. If you find yourself feeling bummed out after a mindless scrolling Insta-sesh, you aren’t alone! Instead of falling...
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