
By: Joaquin Ramirez   Welded can be competitive and most of the time that is a great thing, this is the reason for great results as well as the camaraderie that we have all come to know and love. It also helps push us further than we ever thought possible. Watching others do things we thought we couldn’t, often helps us believe we too can do those things. Friendly competition is completely healthy and usually necessary to really get the results we are looking for, but sometimes competition in a Welded group class setting can cause us to cut corners.   Remember Coach Alvie’s blog about checking your ego and knowing when and how to scale so that you can continue to progress as an athlete? The same thing goes for the reps. We have all missed a double under or two (no big deal) most of us have also...
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Group Class Workout   Warm Up: 2Rds: 15 Cals, 10 Air Squats, 10 Situps, 10 lunges Finish: 1 Min Banded Hamstring Distraction, 20 scorpions, 15 PVC PT, GM   Strength: Back Squat 6×3 75-80% Every 1:20 Lean: 6×5 Moderate Weight   Metcon: Welded  5 Rounds 20/15 Cal Bike 12 Pull Ups 4 DL 205/135   Adv: 275/185   Welded Lean 18 Minute AMRAP 500 Meter Row 40 Ab Mat Sit Ups 30 Push Ups 20 KB Swings 53/35   Mobility of the Day: Quad Smash (pg. 324) Improves: Hip Function, Knee, Hip, and Low Back Pain
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No I’m not talking about digging deep into your gut to get that last rep before time is up or getting that PR. I’m talking about something that is not for the weak of stomach, no pun intended. I’m talking about the bacteria(bugs) that make up your digestive system. Did you know that in our bodies bacteria outnumber our cells 10 to 1, with the majority of them, over 100 trillion, residing in our intestines. We have a symbiotic relationship with these bacteria as they aid in the breakdown of nutrients from our food that we would otherwise not be able to digest. These include Vitamins like B and K, amino acids and glycans (sugars). These bacteria also protect us from ‘bad’ bacteria and germs and influence our moods. We underplay the importance that our gut bacteria (gut biome) have to our well being through our germ a phobic ways....
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By: Sierra Wright From the time I started working at Double Edge I’ve been asked what my diet consists of and fortunately when I’m asked I can answer honestly and confidently. Nutrition is another passion of mine alongside my fitness journey. I have no “secret” I just stay consistent and true to myself with everything I put into my body. This doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy a donut (my weakness) or hot wings here or there but this just means I eat everything in moderation. I have trained my body and my mind to instead of eating until I’m full I eat until I am satisfied. Choosing what we eat is always difficult especially if we work long hours, find time to go to the gym and still have a family to tend to when we get home, but it’s not impossible. It’s making a little extra time or putting...
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By: Trent Soares This upcoming weekend the Double Edge Team is gathering for our Annual Retreat to recap 2016 and set new goals for 2017. We do this yearly to make sure that we are constantly striving to provide the best possible experience to our members and to our community. It is a special opportunity that we take very seriously because you, the member, deserve it. I enjoy this experience because it gives us the chance to see the progress that we have made. I am excited to recap 2016 being that it was such a successful year for us. But without the strong support of our clients, none of this would be possible. I want to thank you members sincerely for creating the image that Double Edge has taken today, and thank you for being a part of our community! Please click HERE to witness our gratitude!       Group...
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