
Get Professional Pictures With Just One Click!   At Double Edge we take pride in all of our members, coaches and world class facilities!  We know that you do too which is why we created so that you can share all of the moments at Double Edge with your family and friends! How does it work?  It’s simple!  Click on the link above, find a picture that you like, expand it from the thumbnail and then save it!  Yes it really is that easy!  If you want a print of your picture all you have to do is press the green “Buy” button in the bottom right corner and you can select your size and it will be sent to your door! We are excited to continue to bring the best possible fitness experience to all of our members and we hope capturing these moments will help to shine a light...
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  By: Morgan Walding     This is a quote I hold very dear to me and thought I would share with all of you reading as well. Not only does it apply inside the gym but in our everyday lives too. With the completion of the new Double Edge gym near, we are all hoping to see some new faces join our Double Edge Family. With that being said, do you remember your first day at the gym? Possibly a little intimidating. Maybe you didn’t know anyone and maybe you were scared of what you were walking into. Remember your first time at the gym and when you see a new face don’t be scared to introduce yourself! Take pride in making someone else feel comfortable and welcome.   The open season is coming to an end and this is a bittersweet feeling for some. As a coach I...
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With just 16 days left its time to kick it into high gear and get your row on!  Todays challenge is 16 cals on the rower in 40/60 seconds.   Good luck and make sure to mark your calendar for   GROUP CLASS WORKOUT   Warm Up: Trainer Choice   Strength:  3 Rounds of:  20 DB Step ups (35/25) 30 Sec Hollow Rock hold 12 DB Shoulder press (35/25)   Metcon:   Welded Partner WOD 12 Power Cleans 175/115 60/45 Cal Ski 60 Pullups 12 Power Cleans 175/115 60/45 Cal Bike 60 Wallballs 20/14 12 Power Cleans 175/115 Adv: D Ball Toss 100/80 Instead of Power Cleans Welded Lean Partner WOD 20 Min AMRAP 50 Box Jumps 24/20 50 Push Press 75/55 50 Front Rack Lunges 75/55 50 KB Swings 53/35 Adv: 95/65   Mobility Of the Day: Super friend Calf Smash Improves:  Attention Span to actually read the mobility...
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By: Derek Wellock I want to take this opportunity and talk about training versus exercising and how the programing at Double Edge approaches this.  First, I need to explain the Double Edge philosophy behind these two words. Exercising, is sweating, getting your heart rate up, a little muscle burn, and a little endorphin high done sporadically with no defined goal. Training includes exercise, but with a defined goal.  With a defined goal there needs to be structured programing for approximately 5-7 hours a week of training for focused GPP (general physical preparedness) improvement. The average American coming in off the street is going to make tremendous improvement exercising or training.  They are going to improve strength, endurance, body composition, and overall health.  But where the differentiation between exercise and training needs to happen is when a person hits a plateau in their fitness program.  This usually happens 1 to 2...
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By: Jacob Wellock Everyday that you come into the gym, your goal should be to have a good workout. The only way to truly have a good workout is to have “intensity” in your workouts. Now this is going to be different for everyone therefore you should not compare yourself to someone that is doing Rx or advanced workouts when you are doing scaled. This can go the other way around too. There is no point to attempt to Rx a workout if you only do half reps, form is all over the place, and you cannot complete the movements the way they should be completed. This is when you “scale” a workout so you can develop those abilities and eventually work towards performing a workout Rx. This would be equivalent if you were just railing on the gas in your brand new Ferrari with no oil, let’s see how...
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