
Consistency is much more important than those sporadic, all in, go big, types of moments. That being said I know that everyone loves to make those huge PR jumps in their lifts, get their first gymnastic skill such as muscle up, pull up or toe to bar and jump on some random diet trend and go all in on it at first. The sad part is most of the time consistency does not follow these feats. Ask yourself this, have you ever made a huge PR jump in one of your lifts and plateau for what seems like months or even years? What about the first time you got your first muscle up, toe to bar or double under but now you have trouble linking more than a few? The root cause of this plateau is lack of consistency. For example, with numbers and lifting, if I can consistently move...
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By: Savina Brown   Balance:  a state in which different things occur in equal or proper amounts or have an equal or proper amount of importance Source: Merriam-Webster’s Learner’s Dictionary   These days the obsession with finding balance in our lives is greater than ever. With our crazy schedules of running kids here and there, making work deadlines, getting a daily workout in, meal prepping, paying bills, oh and don’t forget to RSVP to that birthday party next weekend, it almost seems like a constant state of imbalance, chaos, and stress. How can one find balance when they are running from point A to point B to C and back to A? A wise individual once advised me, “How would you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.” Balance can be found in a very similar fashion. Don’t try to change everything all at once; make those minor tweaks and adjustments to...
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Group Class Workout   Warm Up: 4 Rounds 40/20 machine Get Warm! 25 KBS Russian, 15 Pushups, 10 Stretch Lunges Finish with: 20 scorpions, 20 leg swings, 15 PVC PT, GM   Strength: Find 1RM Front Squat OR 5×4 Choose Weight 14 Minutes   Welded 3 Rounds 10 Thrusters 75/55 9 T2B/12 Knee Raises 2 Rounds 8 Thrusters 95/65 15 T2B/18 Knee Raises 1 Round 6 Thrusters 115/75 21 T2B/24 Knee Raises Adv: M- 95/115/135          F- 65/85/105   Crossfit Lean For Time: Buy In: 30 Box Jumps 24/20 30 Weighted Lunges 35/25 20 Pushups 50/40 Cal Machine 20 Pushups 30 Weighted Lunges 35/25 Cash Out: 30 Box Jumps 24/20   Mobility of The Day: Glute Smash (pg. 300) Improves: Low Back and Hip Pain, Knee Out Position
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Group Class Workout   Warm Up: Trainer Choice   Strength: 4 Rounds (15 Minute Time Cap) 10 DB Strict Press, 1 Min Plank, 20 Lunges (your choice, jump switch, weighted, etc.)     Metcon:   Welded  Partner WOD Buy In: 2K Row 10 Rounds (Alt Rds): 5 Pull ups 6 S2OH 115/80 7 DL 115/80   Adv: 1 rope climb instead of pull ups Adv: 135/95     Welded Lean 14 Min AMRAP Dead Hang :45 sec (pullup bar) 15 Box jumps 24/20 10 Toes to bar/Knee raises 200m Run   Record total reps. Run = 1 rep Dead Hang = 1 rep   Mobility Of the Day:  10 Minutes! That is the goal today. Roll out and stretch muscles that are sore and tight.
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Group Class Workout   Warm Up: 2rds: 60 sec machine, 10 pushups, 15 air squats 75ft single arm KB OH walk, with 10 presses each arm Finish with: 20 scorpions, 15 PVC PT, GM   Skills: Pullup Progression (5 Minutes) Practice Pullups or another skill (10 Minutes)   Metcon: Welded   3 Rounds for Time: 500m Row 21 Power Cleans 115/85 15 T2B   Adv: 165/115 GHDs     Welded Lean   Death by Booty: Every minute add 2 lunges till failure: 2 Jump Switch Lunges 4 Jump Switch Lunges etc…   *Extra Work: Complete 200 Russian Twists Total   Mobility of the Day: Quad Smash (pg. 324) Improves: Hip Function, Knee, Hip, and Low Back Pain
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