This week’s Featured Athlete was chosen by Coach Kris! Keep up the awesome work Lara! “It’s my week to choose a member to highlight and this week I chose Lara as my #DECFmonday! Lara has been with us a little over 5 months now, she’s such a rockstar and now has her third little one on the way and continues to keep crushing workouts. She works hard, quite a bit harder than the rest of us considering she has a built in weight vest for another couple of months. 😁 I hope I’m as fit as she is when it’s my time to be a mom. 🤞🏽 Lara has been such a great addition to the Double Edge Community, keep up the hard work and being an inspiration to so many of us. ❤️ 🎵: Who’s that Chick – David Guerra (feat. Rihanna)” – Coach Kris
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