
GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 3 Rounds: 30 second plank 20 Russian kettlebell swings 10 goblet squats 5 inch worms MetCon: Welded: 20 power cleans (115#/75#) 100 air squats 15 power cleans 100 push ups 10 power cleans 100 Russian twists (each side) 5 power cleans *complete 4 box jumps (24″/20″) every minute *20 minute time cap adv.: 155#/105# Welded Lean: 5-10-15-20 row/bike/ski burpees V-Ups *One machine all the way through to 20 before moving onto next machine *40 minute time cap
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 4 Rounds: 12/9 calorie machine 8 push ups 12 PVC overhead squats Strength: Bench Press (every 1:30) 5×5 choose weight MetCon: Welded: 20 minute EMOM Odd: 5 squat snatch (95#/65#) Even:  15 wall balls (20#/14#) adv.: 135#/95# Scaled: power snatch Welded Lean: 20 minute EMOM Odd: 8 single arm kettlebell clean and jerks (each side, 35#/26#) Even: 10 push ups adv.: 15 push ups
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This week’s Featured Athlete was chosen by Coach Kris! Keep up the awesome work Lara! “It’s my week to choose a member to highlight and this week I chose Lara as my #DECFmonday! Lara has been with us a little over 5 months now, she’s such a rockstar and now has her third little one on the way and continues to keep crushing workouts. She works hard, quite a bit harder than the rest of us considering she has a built in weight vest for another couple of months. 😁 I hope I’m as fit as she is when it’s my time to be a mom. 🤞🏽 Lara has been such a great addition to the Double Edge Community, keep up the hard work and being an inspiration to so many of us. ❤️ 🎵: Who’s that Chick – David Guerra (feat. Rihanna)” – Coach Kris
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: Trainer Choice Accessory Work: 5x 4-8 tempo pullups 5×10-15 banded pushups scaled: pushups MetCon: 12-12-12-12 shoulder to overhead (75#/55#) sumo deadlift high pull 25-25-25-25 calorie machine (alternate) adv.: 95#/65#
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You can find more information about Tier Testing here. GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 6 Rounds: 30 second work machine 20 second rest 30 second push up plank hold 20 second rest Finish with: 90 second standing hamstring stretch MetCon: Welded: Tier Testing Tier 4: 500 meter row (under 2:00/2:20) 20 unbroken kettlebell swings (53#/35#) 30 burpees under 2:00 Skill Work: pull ups, muscle ups and double unders Welded Lean: 35 minute AMRAP 20 AbMat sit ups 400 meter run 20 med ball slams (20#/16#)
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