
What is this series all about? Is this just another yoga class? How does this help me in Welded? I’ve gotten a lot of questions about the Summer Stability Series so hopefully this will answer some of your questions! This series of classes will be targeting four areas that our bodies rely on for stability: abdominals, hip musculature, shoulder (scapula and rotator cuff) muscles, and foot/ankle muscles. Yes, this is a yoga class, but the sequencing will emphasize recruitment of each of these muscle groups. Stability muscle strength and endurance is extremely important for not only Welded, but for any activity that requires generation of force, velocity, and stamina. Imagine running in sand. Hard, isn’t it? Feels like you are going nowhere with a lot of effort. Now imagine running on concrete with the same effort. Whoa Nelly! Look at you go! When you have the strength, endurance, and control...
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 2 Rounds 10 scap pull ups 10 scap push ups 2 Rounds 10 kettlebell high pulls (each arm) 10 kettlebell strict press (each arm) Finish with: 10 burpees Strength: Bench Press (every 2:00) 5×5 MetCon: Welded: 18 minute AMRAP 12 shoulder to overhead (115#/75#) 12 toes to bar 24 calorie row or bike Welded Lean: 18 minute AMRAP 12 dumbbell power cleans (35#/20#) 16 dumbbell push press 20 V-Ups
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By: Joaquin Ramirez Now that the weather is warming up and lots of us will be traveling over the next few months I wanted to give some tips on how to stay fit and active while away on vacation. Most of us by now can create some sort of workout on our own to do with minimal equipment and I would encourage you to do so. Just because you don’t have a coach there doesn’t mean you shouldn’t exercise and we all know just ten minutes a day is all we really need. This is a good time to slow things down and get back to the basics. With minimal equipment you will find yourself doing lots of squats, situps, pushups, burpees and lunges. Now is a great time to drill excellent form on these since this will probably be the bulk of your exercises. Be creative! Use amraps, emoms and...
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 2 Rounds 200 meter run 14 single arm ring rows 14 single leg kettlebell Romanian deadlifts Finish with: 30 kettlebell swings 20 kettlebell split squats total Strength: Snatch (every 1:15) Squat Snatch 8×2 Power Snatch 8×3 MetCon: Welded: 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 squat cleans (155#/105#) 30 double unders or 60 singles Welded Lean: 40 Minute AMRAP 10 kettlebell hang snatches (each arm, 53#/35#) 10 kettlebell goblet squats 400 meter run
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: Coaches Choice MetCon: 40 minute AMRAP 5 Rounds 20/15 calorie machine 20 kettlebell swings 5 Rounds 30/25 calorie machine 30 sit ups 5 Rounds 15/10 calorie machine 15 lunges (each leg)
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