
You’re not going to want to miss class today as it is a “retest” day! If you are new or need a refresher as to what test/retest days are and why we do them check out Coach Joaquin’s original post on the topic by clicking here. GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: Coaches Choice MetCon: Welded & Welded Lean: Retest Day: “Hotel Hell” 100 hang squat clean thrusters (75#/55#) *5 burpees every minute *25 minute time cap
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By: Arthur Anderson Intermittent fasting (IF) is simply a change in eating habits where you eat the same amount of food in a shorter time span.  The most common form of IF is not eating for a 12 – 16 hour period each day.  For example you would have your first meal at 10am and finish with your last meal at 6pm and not eating again until the next morning. Some more extreme forms of IF can have fasting periods of up to 72 hours (not recommended for the faint of heart). We as a race did not begin eating three meals a day until recently in our history, like 300 years ago. It’s obvious that we didn’t have regular meals while were in the hunter gatherer stage, we ate when we found food. During most of our agricultural period we would work in the fields early in the day and come...
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You’re not going to want to miss class today as it’s a “Tier Testing” day! If you are new or need a refresher as to what the Tier System is and why we do them check out the original post on the topic by clicking here. GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 2 Rounds 500 meter row 10 PVC pass throughs 20 death march steps 10 side plank rotations (each side) MetCon: Welded (Tier Testing): Tier 4 choose 2-3 movements Tier 3 choose 2-3 movements Tier 2 75% body weight snatch 10 alternating pistols (under 1:00) 2 rope climbs (under 1:00) Welded Lean: 35 minute AMRAP 400 meter run 10 single arm kettlebell hang snatches (each arm) 10 burpees 10 lunges (each leg) 10 med. ball slams
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After a month long build up of pictures, notes, RSVPs and peer pressure from you coaches; Day at the Lake has arrived! Here are the details: When: Saturday, June 23rd at 9am until ??? Where: Kings Beach near the North Tahoe Events Center Who: All DE members, families and friends Why: To celebrate the great outdoors and to kick off summer Due to restricted parking at Kings Beach we highly suggest for you to arrive early and to car pool! We will have our large Double Edge tent on the beach so keep a look out for that and of course Spike Ball and other beach games! Double Edge will be providing small snacks, waters and fruit drinks but you are on your own for any adult beverages! We will be announcing the winners of our instagram challenge around noon for the Yeti cooler and the coaches choice for best...
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By: Dawn Swinney We have exciting news in our Double Edge Yoga program to share. At the beginning of May we sent out a feedback request via email to see how the yoga program users felt yoga was going thus far. Based on your responses, we are going to be doubling the number of classes we’re offering weekly and bringing back some additional favorites. Beginning July 9th, we’ll be adding the following classes to our existing schedule: – Mondays @ 4:30: Lengthen and Strengthen (Alex/Andrea swapping weekly) – Mondays @ 5:30: Rest and Restore (Alex) – Thursdays @ 5:30: Rest and Restore (Jenelle…new teacher to Double Edge) We will be bringing back outdoor summer yoga at the South location once/month in July, August, and September! These classes will be held on the cement slab near the pond at 7am to beat that Nevada summertime heat. The class will be more...
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