
GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: Coaches Choice Accessory Work: Super Set: 5×6 Kang squat 5×20 archer ring row (total) MetCon: Welded & Welded Lean: Buy In: 25/22 calorie bike 2 Rounds 21 Air Squats 15 Push-ups 9 Pull-up Buy Out: 25/22 calorie bike 3 minute rest, THEN REPEAT *25 minute time cap
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As you may have heard around the gym there is an awesome crossfit competition coming up on Saturday July 14th.  This is a competition for new crossfit athletes looking to test their skills against other competitors similar in strength and ability. This is a great way to get your foot in the door and see if competing in crossfit is for you. Also, for those of you who need to check off that last box on tier 3 this is your chance! There are 4 divisions for this competition novice, intermediate, masters (35-44)  and masters (44+). We will have multiple Double Edge members competing across all divisions and it looks to be another great event put on by Carson City Crossfit. This is a great time to come support your community and cheer on your fellow classmates. Most of the coaches from both gyms will be there as well as...
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 2 Rounds 200 meter run 6 burpees 10 single arm dumbbell hang clean and jerk 6 single arm dumbbell front rack squats (each arm) Barbell Progression Strength: Clean (every 1:30) 6×2 hang squat clean 6×5 hang power clean MetCon: Welded: 12 Minute AMRAP 200 meter run 20 alternating dumbbell snatches (50#/35#) 10 single arm dumbbell overhead lunges (each side) Welded Lean: 100/80 calorie bike 400 meter run 100 mountain climbers 400 meter run 50 burpee kettlebell goblet squat clean (35#/26#) 400 meter run 25 toes to bar *40 minute time cap
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Last week you should have received your invitation in the mail to the 1st Annual Members Ball. This special event is unlike anything we have done before as we will be trading in our MetCons and Lulus for dress shoes and dresses. If you didn’t receive your invitation you can follow this link for more information about the event and to purchase your tickets. If you have any questions about the event please contact us at [email protected] or ask one of your coaches!
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By: Bobee-Kay Clark I’m a very goal oriented, analytical person so obviously I like yoga.  Yoga is physical analysis that segments complex motion between the boundaries of inhale, exhale. Oxygen is our friend.  Yoga regularly reminds me to synchronize my breath with whatever movement I’m doing in Welded.  What part of a movement requires the most oxygen; when is the most logical point to exhale?  Lifting weights is much smoother when breathing is strategic. Mindless workouts are inefficient; better practice makes better performance. Yoga-gained focus enhances my Welded workouts. Yoga uses breathing as the steady beat with which we pace the melody of our movements.  For me, running feels like dog paddling through pain pudding. When I breathe in for a whole note, each footstep is a quarter note; one breath equals four footsteps.  I focus on the music of running and I can do it.  If I focus on the...
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