
By: Sabrina Blajos

I have been doing Welded for almost 8 years and the one thing that I have always looked forward to are competitions! They are something that I am able to challenge myself and get outside my comfort zone. They are something that you have no control over and that’s the beauty of it. There will be comps that will go in your favor and others that won’t. If you have ever been on the fence about doing a competition, that is your internal gut sign that you have to! Putting yourself in a vulnerable position like a comp is necessary for personal growth. This past weekend watching some of our members take on their first competition was so rewarding. Everyone pushed themselves to that next level, all while moving so well! I cannot get over how legit they looked out there!

Like I said if you are looking to do a comp their are still a couple you can get in before the year is over. Just talk to your coach and they can help you find the one that is best for you!

Battle Grounds (Individual)
Pulling for Little Heros (Charity Comp teams of 4; 2 guys 2 girls)
MetCon for Hope (Charity Comp teams of 2 Same Sex)