by Jacob Wellock We go through life and we may not realize it, but we tend to develop habits. They run our daily lives and we may never even think about them. For instance, do you brush your teeth before or after your shower? Do you drive the same way to work everyday? Or do...Read More
Whether you are new to Welded or you have been doing it for years, chances are that you are well aware of what a muscle up is. Some have mastered this movement while others dream of the day in which they will complete their very first one. In the Welded world being able...Read More
By Jacob Wellock There is no secret that everyone goes through a daily stress, whether it is your job, kids, social environment, whatever it may be the majority of people are under some kind of stress. A great way to reduce that stress is to go to the gym. How can you utilize that work...Read More
If you are a Weldedter you are well aware of the benefits of chalking up before your heavy Cleans or your unbroken pull-ups. Chalk helps to take the mositure out of your hands giving you a better grip on the bar while keeping your forearms fresh to crush the WOD in record time! But as...Read More
GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 3 min machine 3 Rounds 12 KB high pulls, 12 PVC PT, 12 air squats 1 min plank Strength: 100 Push Ups (14 Minutes) Every 75 seconds-10 V-Ups *Start with V-Ups Metcon: Welded Partner WOD Alternating 23 Min AMRAP 1 Full Squat Clean & Jerk 155/105...Read More
3 Tips to Become a Better Athlete in the Gym By Jacob Wellock 1. Showing up early and being productive. What that means is when you come in early, what are some things that you should do? Some things that you should do is some preworkout foam rolling or individual stretches to help open what...Read More
GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 7 Rounds 30/15 DU Practice 2 Rounds 15 PVC PT, 15 OHS PVC Skill: Pullup/RIng Dip/Muslce Ups, Rope Climbs, OHS 16 Minutes Make a Goal! Write it down, get it done. Metcon: Welded Buy In: 75 DU 3 Rounds 6 Power Snatches 95/65 12 Toes to...Read More