
This week’s Member Monday was chosen by Coach Jacob! Keep up the strong work Ed! 💪🏼 “My DECFMonday goes out to Ed Pricola. When he shows up to the gym you can count on him putting up a top time and with that, you can always count on him putting in his best effort no matter how he feels. He is also a new dad which is pretty awesome. Keep up the great work Ed and we look forward to your continued growth in the gym!” – Coach Jacob
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: Coaches Choice MetCon: Welded Rx & Lean: Partner WOD For Time: “Jackie” 1000 meter row 50 thrusters (45#/35#) 30 pull ups 800 meter run (together) “Grace” 30 clean and jerks (135#/95#) 800 meter run (together) “Diane” 21-15-9 deadlifts (225#/145#) handstand push ups 25 Minute Time Cap
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 3 Rounds 10 goblet squats 10 leg swings (each side) 2 Rounds 30 second plank 100’ single arm overhead carry Strength: Front Squat (every 2:00) 6×3 @80% MetCon: Welded Rx: 11 Minute AMRAP 3 power snatches (115#/75#) 3 lateral burpees *Add 1 rep every round. Lean: For Time: 80-70-60-50 calorie row 20-20-20-20 dumbbell push press (moderate weight) 28 Minute Time Cap
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 3 Rounds 25 banded good mornings 10 barbell high pulls 2 Rounds 20 air squats 10 straight leg sit ups Strength: Power Clean (every 1:00) 8×2 (choose weight) Intro: 8×4 MetCon: Welded Rx & Lean: 4 Rounds 20 Wall Balls (20#/14#, 10’/9’) 15 T2B 10 DL (185#/125#) Round 2 @225#/155# Round 3 @275#/175# Round 4 @325#/215# 16 Minute Time Cap
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Have you ever wanted to compete in a Welded competition but thought you didn’t have what it takes to go up against other athletes? Think again! New Kids in The Box is a beginner competition that was created to give anyone with Welded experience a chance to feel what it’s like to compete in the sport of Welded.   This one day competition takes place on July 13th, in Carson City and includes divisions for beginners, intermediates, masters and juniors. This is not a Double Edge hosted event but we will be supporting all of our competitors who sign up! Spots for this event do go quick so if you are interested we suggest you sign up by going to
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