
GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 3 Rounds 15/12 Cal. Machine 20 Banded GM 10 Push Ups MetCon: Build: 17 Minute AMRAP 2 Rounds 9 Lateral Burpees 9 Power Cleans (95#/65#) 50 Single Unders or 10 DUs Welded: 17 Minute AMRAP 2 Rounds 9 Lateral Burpees 9 Power Cleans (135#/95#) 50 Double Unders *Every 2 rounds add 1 rep to burpees and power cleans (increase weight) and 10 reps to DU. 10 @135#/95# + 60 DUs 11 @165#/115# + 70 DUs 12 @185#/125# + 80 DUs Warrior: 17 Minute AMRAP 2 Rounds 9 Lateral Burpees 9 Power Cleans (155#/105#) 70 Double Unders *Every 2 rounds add 1 rep to burpees and power cleans (increase weight) and 10 reps to DU. 10 @155#/105# + 80 DUs 11 @205#/135# + 90 DUs 12 @225#/155# + 100 DUs LEAN CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 3 Rounds 15/12 Cal. Machine 20 Banded GM 10 Push Ups...
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 3 Rounds 15 KB High Pulls (each arm) 10 Goblet Squats 200 Meter Run Strength: Power Snatch  + Hang Squat Snatch + Overhead Squat (every 1:30) 7 Sets (3 sec. pause in squat) Build: Power Snatch + Hang Power Snatch + Overhead Squat/Hang Power Snatch MetCon: Build: 3 Rounds 14 Knees to Elbows 28 Wall Balls (14#/10#, 10’/9’) 400 Meter Run Welded/Warrior: 3 Rounds 14 Toes to Bar 28 Wall Balls (20#/14#, 10’/9’) 400 Meter Run
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This week’s Member Monday was chosen by Coach Kris! Keep crushin’ it Alex!⠀ “This week my #DECFMonday goes to Alex Ficco. Alex has been with Double Edge for about 8 months and in that time has made significant gains. He comes 6 days a week, works hard during class and puts a lot of time into his recovery, spending at least an hour everyday mobilizing and stretching after class. There are very few people that are as disciplined and dedicated to their health and fitness as Alex is and it’s great to be around. Keep up the awesome work and thanks for being a part of the Double Edge Community!” – Coach Kris⠀ “I started at Double Edge in October 2018 and love it. It’s a great way to start off my day everyday at the 6:30 class at Dirty South. It’s a huge challenge daily, both mentally and physically....
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: Coaches Choice MetCon: Lean: 5 Rounds (1:30 Each Station) 1. 200m Run or 250 Row 2. Box Jump overs 3. Max Cal. Ski Erg 4. Max Single Arm DB/KB Hang Clean and Jerks 5. 45 Sec. Side Plank (each side) WEIGHTLIFTING (Midtown 10:30AM) Warm Up: Coaches Choice Weightlifting: Bear Complex (Every 2:30) 5×3 (Rising) 4 Rounds 3-6 Behind the Neck Pull Ups 6 Front Rack Lunges (Heavy) 60 Second Wall Sit
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: Coaches Choice Skill Work: 10 Minutes Single/Double/Triple Under Practice MetCon: Build/Welded/Warrior: Partner WOD 15 Minute of “19.1” (Alternating Rounds) 19 Wall Balls (20#/14#, 10’/9’) 19 Cal. Row 3 Minute Rest 15 Minute AMRAP (Both Working) 19 AbMat Sit Ups Max Cal. Bike *Switch bike every 19 Sit Ups.
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