Group Class Workout Warm Up: dynamic line warm up (5-8 minutes) Finish with: 20 arm circles, 15 PVC pass throughs, 15 PVC good mornings Skills: 15 minutes tripod headstand, handstand pushups MetCon: Welded: 20 minute AMRAP 8 power cleans (135#/95#) 12 box jumps (24″/20″) 16 calorie bike Adv: 165#/115# Welded Lean: For Time: 100 double unders 50 jump switch lunges 50 med-ball slams (20#/15#) 50 V-Ups 50 calorie bike 50 dumbbell hang cleans (35#/25#) 100 double unders Mobility Of the Day: Couch Stretch (pg.331) 2-3 Minutes each side. DO IT! Your body will thank you. Improves: Squat position, hip pain, lower back pain.
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