
Group Class Workout   Warm Up: dynamic line warm up (5-8 minutes) Finish with: 20 arm circles, 15 PVC pass throughs, 15 PVC good mornings     Skills: 15 minutes tripod headstand, handstand pushups     MetCon: Welded: 20 minute AMRAP 8 power cleans (135#/95#) 12 box jumps (24″/20″) 16 calorie bike Adv: 165#/115#   Welded Lean: For Time: 100 double unders 50 jump switch lunges 50 med-ball slams (20#/15#) 50 V-Ups 50 calorie bike 50 dumbbell hang cleans (35#/25#) 100 double unders     Mobility Of the Day:  Couch Stretch (pg.331) 2-3 Minutes each side. DO IT! Your body will thank you. Improves: Squat position, hip pain, lower back pain.
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Many of us look back and reflect on our lives as we get older. We learn from our personal experiences from childhood and we often will parent similar to the way our own parents raised us. Reflecting back on my childhood there are few things I wish I would have been more aware of. One day when I’m a parent, I hope I can instill these things in my own children. A few things I wish I would have known growing up: 1. The little things you are stressing over at this exact moment aren’t going to matter a year from now. 2. Listen. Listening is often overlooked. We teach children to speak but we don’t teach them how to listen. Listening is a beautiful thing. 3. Let go of things and people who don’t serve you. If someone is treating you bad simply let them go. It’s not worth...
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“Worked out two days with Jacob at the South location while visiting Reno. Great programming and coaching!!! Can’t wait to visit again.” -James K.
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“AWESOME community!! Having been to around 30 boxes around the country, this place is top notch! It’s now my daughters and mine home away from home. Great place to clear your mind and work on some fitness.” -James K.
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“Awesome People, Awesome classes, Always support and positivity” -Michaela D.
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