Only 19 days left until the Grand Opening of DECF South! Todays challenge is 19 unbroken pull ups, scaled athletes can use a green band. Good luck! GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 3 Rds: 15/12 Cal, 10 Pushups, :25 sec Hollow Body Finish with: 1 Min Banded OH Distraction, 15 GM, PT Challenge: 19 Unbroken Pull Ups/ Scaled: Green Band Strength: Bench 6×4 Increase in weight Every 1:25 Lean: No Strength Metcon: Welded 10-8-6-4-2 Squat Cleans 135/95 S2OH 135/95 20-16-12-8-4 T2B Adv: 155/105 Adv: 5-4-3-2-1 Rope Climbs Instead of T2B Welded Lean For Time: 300/220 Cal Bike or 7500m Row Mobility of the day: Tricep Extension Smash (pg. 277) Improves: Front Rack position, Bench Press, OH Position YOGA SCHEDULE Strengthen & Lengthen 6 to 7am 4:30pm Rest & Restore 7 to 8am
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