
You’re not going to want to miss class today as it’s our first “retest” day! If you are new or need a refresher as to what test/retest days are and why we do them check out Coach Joaquin’s original post on the topic by clicking here. GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 90 second banded front rack stretch 20 scorpions 3 rounds: 8 kettle bell deadlifts 8 goblet squats 25 band pulls PVC Progression 2 rounds: 5 front squats 5 push press 3 split jerks Strength: Clean & Jerk (every 1:20) Welded & Welded Lean: 8×2, drop and reset MetCon: Welded & Welded Lean: “DT” 5 Rounds 12 deadlifts (155#/105#) 9 hang power cleans (155#/105#) 6 shoulder to overhead (155#/105#) Scaled: Do the exact same way you did for the original test!   SPEEDFIT (Midtown 6AM) Warm Up: 500 meter row 3 rounds: 12 tempo squats (3 seconds down, fast up) 10 arm circles 10 push ups 10...
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 2 minute machine 2 minute squat hold 20 legs swings (each direction) 15 PVC pass throughs 15 PVC good mornings Superset 4 rounds: 6 back squats 6 behind the neck push press Strength: Back Squats (every 2:00) Welded & Welded Lean: 4×8 @70-75% MetCon: Welded: 3 minute AMRAP 10 clean and jerks (135#/95#) max calorie row 1 minute rest 3 minute AMRAP 15 front squats (135#/95#) max calorie bike 1 minute rest 3 minute AMRAP 20 deadlifts (135#/95#) max burpees *Score is combined total of burpees, bike and row. Welded Lean: 30-20-10-20-30 push ups calorie ski lunges
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Every year millions of people start out the New Year with good intentions for their New Year’s resolutions. However, 80% of those resolutions end in failure or abandonment by the end of January. Starting January 16th, Double Edge will be participating in the 2016  Lurong Living Resolution Challenge.  This 5 week nutrition and performance challenge is a great way to jump start your year in a healthy direction all while having the support of your DE community! If you are ready to take this challenge CLICK HERE, and make sure to sign up under Double Edge! For more information on the challenge CLICK HERE or contact [email protected].
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By: Sierra Wright As Christmas and the holidays wrap up and the New Year is quickly approaching I like to take these last few days to reflect on my past year. I like to do this for so many reasons: Number one: I am able to count my blessings and all the things I am grateful for as a new year is about to begin. Number two: I am able to reflect on all my accomplishments over the course of the year. Number three: I am able to identify the things I didn’t accomplish and critique why I wasn’t able to. Number four: I am able to set new goals based on what I did and didn’t accomplish in 2016. Number five: I am able to reminisce on all the memories I’ve created, adventures I enjoyed and cherish all I was able to do. Number six: I am able to remind...
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 2 minutes machine 2 rounds 10 jump squats 5 burpees Clean PVC Progression 3 rounds 5 clean deadlifts 3 hang power cleans Strength: Power Clean (every 1:00) Welded: 10×1 Welded Lean: No strength MetCon: Welded: 7 minute AMRAP 3 power cleans (155#/105#) 10 push ups 7 minute AMRAP 5 box jumps (24″/20″) 13 wallballs (20#/14#, 10’/9′) Welded Lean: 6 Rounds (every 5 minutes) 1,000 meter row   SKILLS CLASS (Midtown 4:30PM) Pull Ups & Back   LADIES NIGHT (Midtown 6:30PM) Warm Up: “Snatch” Game 2 rounds: 15 KB swings 10 air squats 5 burpees Finish with: 20 PVC pass throughs 20 PVC good mornings Skill: Muscle Ups 10 minutes to work on max attempts MetCon: “Deck of Cards” Spades – burpees Hearts – standing sit ups Clubs – dumbbell thrusters Diamonds – pull ups *Aces – 15 calorie bike *Cards are pulled at random from the deck, the...
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